Earth and civilization are still intact…

The rather graphic event in Russia didn’t help quell the chicken-littles thinking our “near-miss” would have a convoy smaller objects. These must be people who get their Science lessons from Armageddon and the Left Behind novels. What missed the earthy by 17,000 miles (twice the earth’s width!) was 150 meters wide. It’s highly improbable the meteorite that made the headlines was redirected or accompanying the one astronomers knew about.

We should still be vigilant yet I figure my state’s junior senator “Teabagger” Ted Cruz will veto any action because he doesn’t have faith in Science. As a writer from the Guardian said elegantly, I don’t have faith in Science, I have confidence in Science, a fundamental difference. I also prefer the meaner dig…I have a personal relationship with reality.

I hope to get more, overdue posts completed later this weekend, another factor holding something back fell through, darn AusChron. I’ve been running behind all day. It was worth having a phone call from Hoser though.

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