Team America: 10th anniversary show

teamamericaNothing says “Fourth of July!” like this satirical piece from the petulant duo of Parker and Stone. At least it showed they had more in them than flogging South Park’s telegraphed morals to death. Everyone I told that I went to see this also said, “has it been 10 years already?”

Well, Alamo knew how to celebrate this landmark event and holiday by hosting a Quote-along/Sing-along because Team has very memorable tunes, namely this eternal classic. Times have changed (Kim Jong Il is dead) but it remains humorous and relevant. I had forgotten how funny the puppet vomiting was.

The props for this show were patriotic:

  • Little US flags to wave during the Team America anthem.
  • Glow sticks to sway with during the ballads.
  • Streamers to throw for “Montage”

Pre-show entertainment consisted of jokes about PDRK’s new ruler starring in sitcoms with Dennis Rodman, America’s Funniest Home Videos of idiots doing stupid things over the holidays and a Toby Keith montage. The host also had two audience members compete at movie karaoke to the flick’s dramatic climax. Finally, before we could begin the actual showing, we had to stand up and sing along to the Lee Greenwood’s dreadful jingoistic anthem. “Everyone Has AIDS,” was a welcome irony shower.

Things I never noticed back then. The computer’s voice was provided by Phil Hendrie, you would know him from Futurama as the Waterfall family and various characters on King of the Hill and the little French boy was Jeremy Shada, today’s he’s Finn from Adventure Time.

Being a member of the American Left/Liberal camp, the digs Parker and Stone made at my “side” don’t bother me. I don’t rely on actors to tell me what to do or think. They’re entitled to their opinions even when they’re misinformed like has-been Victoria Jackson and always recovering junkie/serial divorcee Kelsey Grammar. If you can’t laugh at yourself, then what’s the point? Besides, the Right failed to see the other joke ridiculing how Team America leaves a bigger mess when it succeeds.

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