Happy Winter Solstice!

The source claiming tonight will be the longest night in the Earth’s history has retracted its story already, it was in 1912. But if the human race gets its collective shit together, we may survive to witness the new record holder as the moon slows the Earth’s rotation. Given the suicidal Congressional majority America will be swearing in next month, probably not. These Republicans would pass a law outlawing Oxygen is Obama favored breathing.

My larger question is this since I originate from the Midwest where we often have our first snowfall by Thanksgiving (a month before this date). Why did our ancestors decide to declare this day the beginning of Winter? All the Winter symptoms and side effects are in full force for those living in the Dakotas, Canada, Alaska and the Scandinavian nations. Could it be the astronomers/astrologers (these disciplines were joined until Kepler) were trying to tell everyone there was a light at the end of the wintry tunnel? “Hey everybody! Yeah, I know the weather sucks today. But I have good news! It’s the first day of Winter and it’ll be over soon.” Nevermind the cold, crummy conditions stick around until March, sometimes April. Maybe these guys were more successful in Rome and areas where civilization wisely chose to take root in better climates.

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