Threw in the towel today…

…after having a futile meeting with my boss’s boss (which was expected in the opinions others and mine), I was struck by a sudden case of icouldntgiveashititis. So I called the sick line to say I’m leaving for the day. I decompressed at Pinballz while it was pretty empty around 11 AM, then handled a problem with my new debit card at the local credit union and have proceeded to nap/drink the rest of the day away, hell, I’m buzzed now. Contrary to the wisdom of Johnny Lydon (nee Rotten), anger may be an energy but it is also draining.

What did I want with the boss of the boss? I just want to change teams. My current boss remains a nice and sweet person yet I am so checked out and I had to bring up a conflict of interest concern I let fester alongside my resentment over the main situation.

Normally I avoid the details of my employment namely due to the boring nature of it all. Mix in the KGB-level of intimidation Steve Jobs instilled against his employees; Henry Ford would’ve be proud of the bullying/espionage levels the Randian CEO supervised during his reign of terror. As I stated before, I couldn’t give a shit. Last time I checked, if I’m not disclosing corporate secrets, I am a citizen of the US not an indentured servant of Apple, Inc. as per my legal protections.

Back to a key issue driving my dissatisfaction thanks to the main boss transforming into the Dabney Coleman character. Two years ago, my organization (Enterprise, an ironic name really) absorbed another (Education). I heavily participated in the interviewing, assessments and advising of which people to make offers to. I think I interviewed close to 25 of the 30 candidates in Austin. Afterwards, I was re-assigned to the one team manager who came along (Eddie). My mission shifted to assisting him and the former Education-only agents into integrating into Enterprise’s “culture.” How I busted my ass from late 2013 on to mid 2014. Here I was rewarded fiscally despite being up against the salary cap; they used a bonus to cover the difference. When it came to the next round of expansion though, I was stiffed where it mattered, a team manager assignment. I didn’t even get an interview to be a team manager for the several new teams! They gave a position to someone suspended for suspected leaking though. To add insult to injury, I was transferred to one of the team managers they brought in from outside (Retail or an Apple Store, might as well been someone off the street) and I had to repeat what I did the previous year.

Well, I’ve had enough! Sure I’ve received a couple backfill opportunities but they had petty strings attached. When I didn’t meet them back in March or April (my desk, yeah, my desk was their excuse, talk about petty bullshit), I put my foot down. I requested a transfer to another team, I also turned in my annual focal stating I want to move to another department and/or I will be working for another employer. At this point, I’m done with Apple, I’m practically on strike as per the saying, you want to make a point, do something well and then take it away. So if you want a discount, you better ask for it now otherwise you may need to bug my wife. I have been interviewing with other companies on the side and it’s not a secret to the incompetent “leadership” in my division. Well, they’re not leadership, they’re just managerial drones who drank the groupthink Kool-Aid; they know how to adjust a time card for payroll, take attendance and fill out a virtual coloring book. When it comes to taking a call or really leading, most couldn’t slap their own asses with both hands, including the one I report to.

Am I worried about losing my job? Fuck no! At this point, working for Apple is on par to when I was dating my ex-girlfriend Carrie during its final weeks. I just want it to end, the love left the relationship years ago. Ergo, I called in sick part-way through today since I wasn’t in any mood to help any co-workers or customers. Next up, I’m seriously thinking of firing my doctor. I’m enjoying the reunion with my rage, anger and the real me I’ve suppressed with generic Zoloft for several years, I stopped taking it after my last bout of the flu. The crap has mostly made me passive enough to accept getting Duggar’d in the ass for a couple years.

How will this play out? No idea really. I can guess not positively since the head of the department and his boss are ethically challenged, they’re known for dirty tricks but after the St. Reagan presidency, the people have no rights. Fear not. I have been interviewing and have another come Wednesday.

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