Celebrating Scott Kelly’s return!


It may not have been in the news given all the Trump/Billary bullshit taking up the SCLM’s attention but astronaut Scott Kelly has returned to earth after being on ISS for one whole year. Big deal? Yes. We’ve never had anyone up there for an entire year and he has an identical twin NASA and other scientists will be examining to see what the long-term effects were. According to Dr. DeGrasse Tyson, Kelly is 1/100th of a second younger thanks to time dilation which I’m still confused about. I’m guessing that despite the earth distorting time-space, slowing things down here, ISS was orbiting faster (it goes around the planet every 90 minutes) thus kicking in what Einstein talked about.

What we discover in their differences will critical to sending people on long-term missions to the moon and Mars. Still cheaper than the boondoggles we wast trillions on here, something I need to remind the dumb-ass naysayers I work with. 

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