Another reason why Austin isn’t “Texas”

Texas joined the stampede of idiocy by passing a law to say it’s OK to carry guns around in public. Their flawed thinking goes along these lines:

  • Mass shootings will be prevented because “good guys” will be armed to dispatch the killer before the cops show up.
  • More drivel about the Second Amendment which is always their interpretation while ignoring the militia element.

Private universities get to opt out (coincidence?) but not the public ones such as the centerpiece of Austin. Oh there’s conditions such as age; you have to be 21 to have a permit for “open carry,” never mind that the mentally ill who do these things aren’t really deterred.

The real reason this idiocy has passed was to please the ammosexuals, the NRA and those who want to steer the conversation in favor of Teabagger revisionism. What do I mean by the latter? A professor brings up an uncomfortable topic/viewpoint, then the unstable, self-hating “student” can just murder the teacher with his legal firearm. Problem solved in the diehard Alt-Right and Teabagger movement’s manifesto.

Anyway, I’m glad to see the students fighting back as per this article in the Guardian. I agree with them. Fight obscenity and idiocy with absurdity. Let’s face it, a gun is often a surrogate for the ammosexual’s inadequacy and self-hate.

Arming everyone won’t work. We’ve been down that road before. It was the over-glamorized Wild West period portrayed by hundreds of inaccurate movies. Not a time I would like to bring back or live in.

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