I have no idea why it happened either time. Maybe birds have a thing against the Prius. Maybe birds have a thing against me. No, Tippi Hedren wasn’t my passenger. Yet again another made a kamikaze-like dive into my car. This time it didn’t deflect near my windshield, no, the bird dove right into my car door, breaking its neck instantaneously. Yes, my car is fine while I saw the poor bird in the sideview mirror dead on Wells Branch. Regardless of which breed, I would never wish such a horrendous finale on even those annoying birds at HEB who crap on everything. A bird of prey taking a couple out as the rest flee for a field or other uninhabited location would be preferred. Hey, if a shitbird has to die, I want it to be in the name of the cycle of life, not from human encroachment.
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