Scooby and the Gang found out the hard way not to mess with immoral real-estate deals as their Mystery Machine was torched by agents from the local Chamber of Commerce and the American Enterprise Institute; both are the public-facing elements of America’s home grown terrorists. Yet what could they do? The “ghost” was just a ploy to scare the retired residents out of their rent-controlled homes. Then Bascombe could sell the property for much, much more as the land would host yet more overpriced apartments for Russian mobsters, Californicators and Brooklyn Hipsters. I’m surprised the Right hasn’t gone after Scooby Doo for showing social justice warriors exposing Kapitalism’s role in making the ongoing housing crisis worse. Now that their doofus proxy has been defeated in Georgia, they do have more time on their hands given all they’ll be doing with their slim majority in the House is investigating why the sun shines.
From Austin to Adelaide
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