1970s: New from Flesher Price!

I still probably would’ve preferred having the Star Wars version of this toy from Kenner because it was a loop of the battle involving the Falcon trying to escape from four TIEs. But given how low brow the Seventies could be, this wouldn’t have surprised me. The VCR was still too expensive, Deep Throat was practically a mainstream movie (Ugh! Never seen it yet I read a synopsis, sounds boring) and no joke Mills and Zers, there was a moronic attempt to market a low-alcoholic drink to children called Chelsea. The manufacturers did backoff quickly, then tried to market it to women in the vein of Tab or Diet Rite. It was too late since I remember Carson mocking it in his nightly monologue (paraphrased).

Ed, have you heard of this new alcoholic drink they were trying to sell to children? Yeah, it was called Chelsea and they’ve since withdrawn it from the shelves after the backlash caused by their radio ad. “When you need to unwind after a long day of making mudpies.”

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Florida Man lacks self-awareness

It’s nice to see that this professional Fascist is crashing and burning before he gets to the Milwaukee debate nobody wanted. Meatball Ron can join the likes of other failures JEB, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, Mike Bloomberg and the asshole from Starbucks who warned us peasants not to raise his taxes. Sadly, he won’t truly suffer. Despite Florida having a two term limit on the governorship, he’ll probably run for the Senate or worse, land a cushy gig on multiple corporate boards, raking in money to sit on his fat, psycho ass, eating pudding with his fingers!

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Salem is a standard cat!

After 60 years, Salem finally wakes Sabrina the same way all cats have done to the human race since the day the moved in! Click on the strip to expand to its real size. In my home, we call this…the Eye of Sauron.

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The Eyes of Tammy Faye

Now I’m catching up on my streaming queue since I ended my monthly Alamo Drafthouse pass; I promise you and them I will be renewing it when money and time allow, aka, when there’s a string of movies close together that I want to see. Meanwhile, here’s where I left off with Hulu…

Tammy was an intriguing, entertaining and mostly fair treatment regarding PTL founders Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker with the focus mainly on the former. Contrary to the stereo-types of evangelicals, she grew up in Minnesota but belonged to a very strict congregation who treated her as subhuman because Tammy was her mother’s only child from a previous relationship. This didn’t deter her faith nor desperate need to be saved. Fast forward to seminary, she meets Jim Bakker. They fall in love because both believe their faith should be more joyous, more inclusive and they need to spread the good news. After they marry, they hit the road with Jim preaching and Tammy doing a puppet show at any church willing to have them. Eventually the duo get their break to appear on TV which leads them to join Pat Robertson’s slowly growing CBN empire. They quickly become the network’s big stars via their popular kiddie program. After Pat hijacks Jim’s idea for a Tonight Show targeted at Christians (The 700 Club), the Bakker leave to start their own flock with The PTL Club and clobber the competition by adopting satellite transmissions to all the growing cable TV operators.

The Bakker are immediate Christian superstars with their variety show modeled after Mike Douglas and Merv Griffin. Tammy Faye’s singing paired with Jim’s skilled interviews lead to the donations pouring in…sowing the seeds of their inevitable doom. Anyone over 40 knows what happened by 1987. For the under crowd, the movie explains.

Jessica Chastain, Andrew Garfield and Vincent D’Onofrio are all magnificent as Tammy Faye, Jim and Jerry Falwell. They portray them as real people, not clowns or cartoonish hillbillies. I’m confident that in the beginning, Jim and Tammy sincerely believed in their original mission. There was joy, inspiration and love over everything. It’s debatable when they became greedy shills or in the movie’s case, Tammy was just naive. I have doubts with the latter. Even mafia wives are very aware of how their comfortable lifestyles are made possible. A special call out goes to D’Onofrio as Falwell too. He brings a quiet menace the man always had so when he betrays the Bakkers in their hour of need, it smarts. Another reason I suspect he screwed them over, they were non-denominational, he was a leader in the SBC. Tammy proposes it was also Falwell’s revenge for Tammy Faye having a gay man with AIDS on PTL to raise awareness of the disease (Reagan and Falwell ignored it) and to preach compassion for the infected, not hate or saying they deserved their fate.

Overall I seriously recommend watching Tammy. It’s a fascinating time capsule and take on the rise of the Evangelical Movement which sadly hits higher than its weight in America politically. It’s also an amusing tale about a Macbeth-esque couple’s rise, fall and partial redemption since Tammy Faye Bakker continued to fight for the Gay Community until her death in 2007. Oddly, Jim returned to preaching after his time in prison. Their two kids grew up and became preachers too.

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1973: The original Westworld is great but this author is off base

The awesome B movie that spawned an insipid sequel (the goofy Futureworld) and two TV shows (one dumb and the other disappointing after two seasons), debuted around 50 years ago. I saw the trailer before sitting through Fantasia as a little kid. Yul Brynner catching fire gave me some nightmares. I guess it was a flop because you could see this on daytime TV by the late Seventies. I know I did, WCIA’s The Early Show around 1977-78. As an adult and someone who works with computers, Crichton proved he didn’t know shit about computers (nor robots) any more than DNA with Jurassic Park or Climate Change in his final writings.

This author’s article also thinks in a similar vein. What crap! The author is gluing on what we fear about AI now since it’s no longer a macguffin but a feasible possibility. We should be even more frightened thanks to people in charge of this are sociopaths: the greedy CEO class causing the SAG/WGA strikes, Musk, a grade A dickbag and corporations out to kill off all human workers. In the past, the AI became sinister via its observations, not due to its creators, programmers and developers being Tech Bros. When Westworld was around, the trope was still the AI’s founder being a hapless Scientist with the best intentions and a decent moral compass. Oh, there were a few Dr. Frankensteins but Victor is a saint when placed against Elizabeth Holmes.

I think he’s confusing the movie with the HBO show. Now HBO’s take confronted issues a life-sized theme park allowing rich assholes to play Grand Theft Auto in. It was way more plausible bringing up the philosophical implications of robots finally rebelling after years of being murdered and raped. With the rise of computing power, the Internet, 3D printers, artificial organs and miniaturization, the robots were more sophisticated, therefore very capable of doing what they do in the popular imagination. The 1973 breakdown was just the usual outcome you’d see in a typical Sci-Fi movie of the Seventies. A Dystopian vision warning us that if something can go wrong, it will. The guests and operators had no hand in the breakdown contrary to the article’s claim on Brynner hunting down Benjamin for revenge. He forgets that the Gunslinger robot killed a tech along the way and the guest in the Medieval park is skewered by the Black Knight for the hell of it. Until Star Wars, most Sci-Fi ended on a downer: Silent Running, Rollerball, Logan’s Run, Zardoz, ZPG, The Omega Man, Planet of the Apes and Soylent GreenWestworld (1973) is proudly part of the tradition.

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Lynda’s struggle is real

Could’ve been much worse, I would’ve expected “Linda Y” or “Lindy” since I think people don’t think about vowels after grade school or when Wheel of Fortune isn’t on.

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Reminds me of something my grandma once said

“I will never go Metric!” which was mind boggling the day I remember Grandma saying this. I always thought she took it from the Mark Russell special on PBS in which he did a song to this effect. Then again, she had an opinion about so many things, even if she had no clue on what was entailed.

Almost 50 years later, the US remains stuck with its “Standard” as the default. Carter is the POTUS who continues to receive the blame when it was Ford who signed the bill to have the country converted over by 1986. If you want to blame the peanut farmer from Georgia for something enshittenfied, that would be airline deregulation.

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Dr. says sane and finally, gym action!

Since I took the morning off to see the doctor, I used the time to clear out the chores I kept putting off (laundry mainly). I even had enough to hit the gym, restart yet again, after the doc! He said, still sane, see you in two months! Hooray! I’m taking it super easy on the bike and due to Jennifer having Honey Dos for me on the weekend, I guess I’ll cut back to just five days a week. So you can cheer me on again via the progression bar I have for getting to Melbourne! I think I will switch to metric after the fair city. You’ll see why.

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Fellow Democrat’s shirt

Obviously, I had to get a picture for a friend who is a huge fan of Toto. Now that I think about it, Dorothy could’ve been funnier if she made Kansas (the band) reference. I’d go with their more pleasant hits “Once I rose above the noise and confusion. Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion.” I prefer “Point of No Return” but it isn’t as quotable and more people recognize what I quoted from Guitar Hero.

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It’s working out faster than planned!

Caught them hanging out this week in their “funny” position! Now the burning question I have for both of them. Does this mean you like each other and will be buds for life? Or is it like those funny stories in Love Meow in which Agamemnon got what he wanted, his own pet? I’m pretty confident Klothos is happy to have an adult figure around because she does miss her mother and kittens love to sleep up against big warm, furry creatures (adult dogs, my beard, etc.). I do hope this continues when Klothos grows to her adult size.

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The only thing Science Deniers have right

It’s been about 40 years since I had Logic class at Marquette but I think this joke is a demonstration on how syllogisms get hijacked into “facts.” Good thing I prefer tap water I put through a Brita filter first!

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RIP Johnny Hardwick

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Stupid Twitter got me again. I saw the tag on the right hoping it was good news about the upcoming King of the Hill revival but no, it was the sad news on how Johnny was found dead in house two days ago. Now I’m wondering how far along the show got with Hulu. Did Johnny lay down Dale’s voice for a season or were they still negotiating since the two strikes have everything in limbo. Will they replace him or will the beloved, paranoid and full-of-crap Dale be recast. I would err on risking a new voice actor because Dale Gribble and his hilarious, vocal opinions were a key element to making King so funny. I recall reading about how Dale was created by (I think) Jeff Daniels to offset how conservative (really a traditionalist, not an asshole) Hank was. I’m curious how they are going to address Dale being part of MAGA’s key demographic…on paper.

Lastly, I’m sad about missing the opportunity to talk to Johnny at any great length a few years ago. When the bulk of the Futurama gang came to our Austin TV Festival to perform a table read of the “Six Million Dollar Mon,” at the Paramount, Johnny surprised us all by yelling in his Dale voice at friend and co-star David Herman during the Q&A. It was funny. I didn’t have time to bug him as I had to reserve my efforts to get David and Phil Lamar to sign my Simpsons chucks; I got Billy West, Maurice LaMarche and David X Cohen later at a podcast thing in the Driskell.

Thanks for everything Johnny! You gave the world one very memorable and incredibly funny but also complicated comedic characters in history. Being a reside of Central Texas for the last 29 years, you’ve always permeated dozens of inside jokes via Rusty Shackleford dodges, pocket sand and whenever my iPhone gets a call from an unknown person, it’s your bit, trying to intimidate Peggy from teaching sex education.

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Painfully true August ’23 edition

As the kids used to say before Dubious Bush invaded Iraq, costing us trillions in blood and treasure, “You better check yourself before you wreck yourself!” The Right never learns as this mocks their lack of self-awareness when they point out the obvious of the Soviet way. However, this picture easily applies to Red China today despite that they’ve had the fastest economic development (about 30 years) known; clobbering Kapitalism’s Invisible Hand guiding the US and Western Europe for what? Over a century to get where we are? Faster than what America had in the 20th Century since it was seriously behind the eight ball in infrastructure before WWII.

I’m also re-reading Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto for the first time since…probably college. Not to make me a “better” Marxist. I was inspired by an article from Jacobin. They rightfully mocked shit birds like Musk criticizing something they’ve never actually read. The now defunct podcast Writ Large had a good discussion over it too. Despite the Right and Center’s common misperception, Marx is mostly explaining what went down in 1848.

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Oppenheimer: Worth Seeing despite its duration

Before you ask, no, I didn’t do the double feature crap. I’m sure Barbie is a good movie but I tend to avoid bullshit, moron trends I find shallow such as people pouring ice water on each other thinking it will cure cancer. I will see it in due time. I probably won’t waste my Alamo Pass or money on Barbie. I’m not against it like the usual dickheads who get their undies in a knot (Ben Shapiro, Bill Maher, Ann Coulter, etc.); although I don’t recall seeing any movies directed by Greta Gerwig, she is a director I am willing to support and I hear genuinely good things about. So, I will see it for those reasons. As for the toy, I’m neutral.

Moving along, I’m surprised Oppenheimer did well at all. Americans don’t like films with bitter endings, facts or a moral lesson pointing out we are still heading toward extinction, just not with nuclear missiles but with the worst weapon in our quiver, complacency.

Nolan’s signature move of bouncing around in time works too. I found it annoying with his previous release Dunkirk. He also presents Dr. Oppenheimer in a more frank way, warts and all; his wife was still married when he got her pregnant and he cheated on her via a previous relationship he established years earlier. With how quickly he moved, you’d think that earning a PhD in Physics get you laid often. Truthfully, the movie is proving how we know our grandparents and great grandparents weren’t as “pure and chaste” as they’d like us to believe.

The story is encased in the private hearing/kangaroo court Oppenheimer faced to renew his security clearance for America’s nuclear weapons research and Admiral Lewis Strauss’  senate confirmation for Eisenhower’s cabinet. The latter person was the scientist’s boss a couple times: Princeton and the committee overseeing nuclear-weapon policy. Nolan then bounces back in time when either references the past incident they’re talking about. Here the movie stays pretty linear (phew!). We witness Oppenheimer’s journey through Europe to earn his doctorate (the US didn’t catch up on Physics and Chemistry until WWII), his heroes he meets along the way (Heisenberg, Bohr), new friends he made (Rabi, Lawrence) and then settling in to teach this crazy new theory at UC-Berkley…Quantum Physics (I didn’t think it went this far back). Initially, few were interested in his class but if Nolan’s take is accurate, it gained traction. I understood a little and only what pertained to my big love, Astronomy. I’ve also been noodling around on the periphery since Oppenheimer’s theories dip into Quantum Computing. Anyway, during his off hours, he becomes involved with the university’s American Communist Party (it was the Great Depression) and a drive to unionize the faculty. Both of these obviously come to bite him in the ass when McCarthy and the Red Scare make America crazy in the Fifties (or it never ended).

We know the rest. Oppenheimer is recruited (grudgingly) by General Leslie Groves to lead the Manhattan Project but the scientist pushes it to Los Alamos, NM as the nexus between Oak Ridge, TN; Chicago, San Franscisco and (I think) Hanford, WA. Plus families have to come along or the top talent won’t participate. I was surprised they left out how the idea of a nuclear bomb was a pitch the UK made to the US in their trunk of ideas they sent in case the Nazis defeat them. Nolan is English. Even so, this horrendous weapon isn’t a complete secret. Everybody around the world working in Physics know the Nazis are doing all they can to build one first. Throw in their innovations with rockets led by von Braun and WWII would probably end as it did in the novel Fatherland.

I don’t think many people today know that Oppenheimer later regretted he unleashed. It sucks and keeps me awake fewer nights than it did in the Eighties. If he didn’t though, we know Groves would find someone else. Personally, I think all the contributors realized how human wisdom and temperament are too immature for this technology, especially with the West’s elected leadership, our enemies’ tyrants and nation’s wanting to settle very, very old grudges.

I loved how Nolan highlighted all the past legends of Physics who assisted Oppenheimer: Teller, Fermi, Lawrence, Rabi, Bush, Bainbridge and Feynman; are all I recognized. Bohr and Einstein refused to take part on moral grounds. Contrary to what you see, Heisenberg never worked on making nuclear bombs while under the Nazi regime, nor did Truman call Oppenheimer a ‘crybaby’ within earshot. They did bring up the worries about how the first nuclear detonation could’ve ignited the atmosphere. Not from all the Oxygen. They feared the Plutonium and/or Uranium breaking down would keep feeding a chain reaction into other elements. Fear not. Uranium quickly splits apart into Lead (inert), stopping the process and Earth’s number one gas is Nitrogen which doesn’t burn easily.

There should be a drinking based upon how many times I bring up the now lost History Channel show History Versus HollywoodOppenheimer could’ve been a two or three part episode! It’s important to dispel the myths popular entertainment glosses over important facts because too many people dangerously get the wrong message or ‘memory.’ Today, the younger/modern generations of Uganda believe The Last King of Scotland is an accurate portrayal of what happened in the Seventies during Idi Amin’s reign of terror. So it isn’t completely an American flaw. I want to blame the shitty excuse for a human, David Zaslav for turning a great idea for a cable channel into another cesspool showing White Trash Under Pressure but History’s slide into crap happened before he took over.

Yet I still wholeheartedly endorse this movie. It’s great to have a more serious, intellectual flick to clear our Summer palette of ‘junk food’ or what the biz calls a ‘tent-pole movie’ over it going less noticed in the Spring or Fall.

Alamo Extras:

  • “Bombs Aren’t Cool” video set to rap.
  • PSAs: Groucho Marx telling you which precautions to take in case of nuclear war (they’re all useless); Build a Shelter (really a grave) plug if you’re afraid.
  • “A Mushroom Cloud” by Sammy Salvo from the Fifties.
  • A cartoon of a snack bar machine.
  • Snippets from the 1982 movie The Atomic Cafe.
  • A presentation on all the traits of a Christopher Nolan movie containing pieces of all the stuff he’s done since Inception to Tenet and the frequent actors he prefers to work with.
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KMAG the stream is now 21, it can buy me a beer…legally

Right before I go to bed I remembered…ACK! My stream’s anniversary. Sure it’s operating from outdated technology but I preferred to point out how it’s vindication at the durability of the products involved. Mac OS X Server 10.6.8, a Mac Mini before they got flatter and runs on an Intel processor and QuickTime Streaming Server. It may not be as “efficient” as Spotify or the others who push it through 5G. KMAG in this incarnation, I think its second, still blows away FM radio and all the newcomers. It whips both because of today, KMAG works with over 17,000 songs. That’s 17 times more than a standard Pop or Rock station will play. And finally to celebrate this milestone, ever since my friend Jeremy installed an 80 GB hard drive on its original host, an indigo iMac G3, KMAG has gone on to play over 2.8 million songs. I think it could’ve been 2.9 million by now after totally up all the outages I’ve had in the 21 years. Now with Google Fiber, feel free to listen if you wish!

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