How Austin NeoLiberals “solve” traffic

This design is all part of a growing disease called “The New Austin,” in which traffic issues are solved by throwing unprotected bike lanes into major streets that I guess only make the Lance Armstrong Mafia happy. I know thanks to Adam Ruins Cars how adding more lanes and/or roads only increases traffic. It’s right there with this painfully true joke from The Onion. Personally, I would love to take the bus, subway or train to my job like I used to in Milwaukee or while I managed to afford Austin’s Hyde Park. I got so much reading done! All the podcasts I could catch up on! Alas, this is Texas. Public Transportation is for the Poors and you’d get universal healthcare before a second light-rail line.

Back to my gripe the illustration proves. The assholes who do this are often the same clowns pissing away millions of tax dollars in abatements to “create” low-paying jerbs. Taking one’s bike to work isn’t a serious option since I doubt most McJobs have a locker room with showers for the employees to clean up in. Throw in all the dildos driving Tundras, F-350s, Teslas, BMWs, Benzes and other very expensive vehicles who tend to drive as if they’re competing in Le Mans. It’s not fair to the nice people I know with such nice wheels; one person I know saved up to get what she really, really wanted for a while. Yet these wannabe Dale Assheads weave, use the shoulder as a lane, don’t signal and worst of all, don’t look where they’re going…killing cyclists. Good thing they painted a white line to remind them they’re plowing through a bike lane on their way to Whole Foods. Being a former bike user from 1994-96 and by then mine was stolen, I had a near miss at least once a month around UT and Hyde Park. If the local government really wants to beautify downtown Austin, cut off the whole area to cars. Only city buses, the light rail and those bike cabs. NO scooters too.

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Doc Brown in Austin?

Oh the things you see around Austin! I did the best I could at protecting their privacy but the car’s owner gave me permission to share this with Christopher Lloyd too, I put it on his Twitter. Actually, I’m surprised the state allows periods in license plate numbers too. I wonder if this is a paltry amount of energy by Fifties standards. Even a modest size city requires this much juice on a daily basis.

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1903: Edison indirectly electrocutes Topsy the elephant

Ugh! The new year is off to a morbid start! First we lose the main lineup of the Pointer Sisters, then we have the sad 120th anniversary of Edison’s sick proof of concept…how dangerous Alternating Current (AC) was by killing an elephant via 6600 volts. I always thought Direct Current (DC) was used for the electric chair.

Thomas Edison was a shitty human being in his day (never any shortage of them in any era) but at this point in his life, he wasn’t really involved as he was more concerned about phonographs (the future record player) and the infant film industry. His fight with Tesla and Westinghouse had been delegated.

Meanwhile, Topsy the elephant had killed three people much earlier and the owners we’re looking for a more humane way to execute her for these actions. Animal control was pretty disgusting then too. Many were either hanged (not hung) or drowned. So sad and sick. The SPCA vetoed hanging yet agreed to electrocution because electricity was still novel, quick and magical to the majority. Topsy’s handlers guaranteed she’d die by feeding her carrots laced with cyanide before running the current through her if this didn’t work. It did. Topsy died within 10 seconds.

Given what Topsy did, they should’ve just released back in the wild where she came from. I get the anger from the victims’ families but elephants don’t have the same moral compass as people. Plus this is an animal humans have never succeeded in domesticating. Cultures which have voluntold elephants from Hannibal to places where they’re used in place of heavy Caterpillar equipment, capture young adults and beat them into submission. When I read Guns, Germs and Steel, the author said nobody has really bothered to raise one from birth due to costs, elephants take some years to get to adulthood. I think circuses would have some input on this and the answer, like the zebra, alpaca and hippopotamus, is they just lack the compliant nature of dogs, cats, chickens, pigs and sheep.

In the longer run, we all know Edison lost the current war. AC is how power is transmitted around the world via great distances. If we stuck with his plan, there would be DC power-generation stations every few square blocks, creating thousands of eyesores in the major cities and for less populated areas…tough luck. NYC did have a few remaining into the 21st Century and the last one was replaced by AC in 2007.

Lastly, now most of us know the basics about Topsy via the clip below. If you want more of the mythbusting, click here.

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Rest in Peace to all the Pointer Sisters

The new year is off to a sad start as the last of the Pointer Sisters, Anita, passed. I feel terrible not knowing about the other two going away in the recent past and yes, I know originally they were a quartet before they became the more recognizable trio, Bonnie left the group after several albums.

I can’t remember when I knew of their existence as a little kid but I’m arrogantly confident it was long before most fellow Gen Xers. My parents thought they were cool and I think they made the rounds on variety-hour shows hosted by comedians/famous people, aka Sonny & Cher, Donny & Marie, the Hudson Brothers, etc. Don’t hold me to those shows, I just listed them as examples of a long gone TV genre. Now I’m 100% certain about them being the evil stepsisters in Carol Burnett’s two-part modern-day version Cinderella. They sang taunting lyrics at her, “Cinderella, Cinderella you’re a square!” in the opening and Tim Conway was Prince Charming dressed like Captain Fantastic-era Elton John.

For me, their breakout hit was “Fire,” one of many songs written by Bruce Springsteen that sounded better performed by anyone other than him (see Manfred Mann). It had a couple odd memories too. Within a month or so, AM Top 40 powerhouse WLS Chicago got a customized version with their call letters in the song. You always knew it was coming because Anita was off key in opening, the word “car” sounded like it was mauled. The other bit was us kids doing a parody a la Weird Al with the “handy” guy in tune not paying attention to his driving and the car goes up in fire. Dozens of laughs. We were super weird ‘tweeners in 1979.

I forgot they sang on those awesome Sesame Street pinball cartoons teaching children how to count to 12.

What else? They were in an episode of The Love Boat as a singing act the bartender Isaac tried to promote and be the manager. I don’t recall all the specifics beyond them singing their hit at the time, “He’s So Shy.” I caught them being interviewed on the radio by a WLS DJ too. They were funny and witty, especially when it came to calling dibs on a guy one of them liked or how they proved the stereotype of the preacher’s kids are the biggest hellions in any congregation.

Contributing to the Beverly Hills Cop soundtrack via “Neutron Dance” was what finally made them the household name the world knows in the Eighties. Alongside those hits, “I’m So Excited,” “Automatic” (my fave) and “Jump.” I wish it lasted. Maybe it did, after those years I was in college and in my own little, narrower musical silo. Thanks for everything Anita, Ruth and June! You were awesome in so many incarnations your careers took you musically. You contributed much to the world with your wonderful voices and I will greatly miss you.

Now to hunt down their back catalog to get more familiar with their earlier years when they were a retro act in the beginning, quite similar to another fave, The Manhattan Transfer.

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Happy Tenth Birthday KUTX

Hard to believe the FM frequency allocated to Leander was never utilized until 1988. I guess Austin was still too small to have the whole “dial” filled up as per older and much smaller markets (*cough!* Milwaukee). For all my digs on KUTX employing stammering DJs, the self-appointed “spirit of Austin” Jody “K-Geezer” Denberg and frequent ads; hey NPR stations, shilling for your sponsors and underwriters…ARE COMMERCIALS; I prefer listening to them unless it’s some crappy, crappy (C)Rap music played by White people trying to prove they’re “open minded.” My iPod remains first pick but there are times it’s not worth the effort when you have a short drive.

I remember all the grief UT received for buying the floundering station from a hedge fund; Bain Capital, Mitt Romney’s job destroying, rapist organization. For over two decades, 98.9 had been multiple formats, namely boring Classic Rock and the biggest waste of the airwaves…Right-Wing Bullshit. Obviously, nothing worked. The university purchased it for a paltry $6 million ($7.8 million today) demonstrating how the old, decaying Media Empires are now overvalued given the public revolt against the constant noise of 20 minutes of ads per hour. The Board of Regents did the morally right thing for a change voting “yes.” It was a steal! When Border Media acquired 98.9 in 2004 (formerly KHHL), they spent approximately $8.75 million; this is a calculation based upon it being in a deal to own eight stations for $70 million.

Today, wounded behemoth Clear Channel, hiding behind the moniker “I Heart Radio” is so strapped with debt from its 2000 outlets pushing Right Wing Noise and Moldy Oldies, continues to lobby Congress for help. Since the airwaves belong to the people, established by a Republican a century ago, we should let Clear Channel, Emmis and the other baronies collapse. Then either repurpose the frequencies for new technologies or allocate them for free to true non-profits who will serve the public interest. As much as I enjoy KUTX, UT isn’t an institution I have much patience with given their highest paid employee is the football coach and not a professor who could change the world. Plus anyone who says the huge public universities in America are non-profits probably can’t say it with a straight face on TV without multiple takes.

In their defense, KUTX was a nice addition to my adopted home. It allowed KUT to move all their existing music shows to a dedicated spot and expand while the elder station could increase its news content; more on par with NPR stations I’ve enjoyed in other cities. Best of all, KUTX has been successful despite the naysayers back then while proving what my friend Mark (M) and I have always known…content matters, not necessarily the tech. You will continue to hear ignorant pundits claim the iPhone (or equivalent) killed FM. They’re so full of shit. If this were accurate, tape decks and the Sony Walkman would’ve started the trend 40 years ago.

Congratulations KUTX, looking forward to you turning 20 and not transforming into an extension of a horrible syndrome called “New Austin.”

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1983: ARPANET switches to TCP/IP

This may not sound terribly sexy but it was a big deal 40 years ago when ARPANET, the Internet’s pre-cursor, made the shift to how the majority of network traffic both internal and external functions. I have a moderate understanding of how TCP/IP works thanks to my livelihood so the easiest explanation I can offer is saying that the government, corporate and university mainframes comprising everything implemented ZIP codes to direct  their communication.

It’s continuing to evolve too as we’ve run out of the the IPv4 system addresses and are slowly moving to the IPv6 system. Trust me, you only have to look “under the hood” of your computer’s or device’s settings to see if this is going. With all the private networks in action, you probably won’t see it for a while to come yet it’s happening as mundane gadgets need to connect.

I wish I had a time machine to see the excitement of the switch being thrown. Plus getting a personal e-mail in those days must’ve been a huge thrill. Meanwhile, I’d have to hold my tongue to avoid depressing all these brilliant computer scientists about how their hard work got hijacked into selling boner pills and enabling your gullible aunt to forward bullshit promoted by Fox News.

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Happy New Year from Castella di Maggi. May 2023 Rock!

Here’s a great photo of us before we went to enjoy the annual Feast of the Seven Fishes at L’oca Doro. Couldn’t wait to show of my new blazer I got as a gift! I received SEVEN, yes, seven compliments and only half were from the wait staff. I think we look pretty spiffy and appropriate for the dress code of biz casual which in Austin usually means, wear your best Birkenstocks, tie dyes and jeans with the fewest holes. Nah! Austin has changed a bit and joined Dallas in being uptight yet I still see people not following the guidelines.

This New Year’s we’re taking it easier because we didn’t have any luck getting anyone to join us and the timing with expenses were another. We will be celebrating tomorrow by some other means as Monday is the holiday observed. Next year, I do hope we can do something more spectacular. Europe would be amazing but Winter isn’t their strongest suit given how soon the sun sets and the temperatures suck. Not to mention the cost. We might swing a cruise. Even I can manage to get by without Internet access for a few days, how I love to read a good book by the pool. I also know, the staterooms are nothing close to what I grew up seeing on The Love Boat. As long as it doesn’t turn into the Poseidon Adventure or worse, the rather maudlin Titanic, I will have a great time. What happened on Bob’s Burgers, I can deal with since I’m no longer into all you can eat. Could it be one of the cruises with a bunch of bands I loved growing up with, we’ll see. I’m going to trust Hoser’s advice as he’s told me, the ones departing Florida are better than Galveston…the latter don’t drop by Puerto Rico? I’ll close with some overdue excitement for you all to end a rather meh but improving year…my zipline experience. See you in 2023!

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1922: USSR founded

And it only last 69 years. You never heard much about this date, they more often celebrated the revolution that went down in October/November 1917 as the foundation of their state, a predominantly Russian-dominated one.

Even with my Left-leaning politics, I’ve never been a fan of this regime because everything Soviet was really just a new label slapped over the crumbling, corrupt and inept Czarist kingdom mismanaged by the Romanov family. They just replaced one set of murderous thugs for another to run the place. Just like the Who sang, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

Let’s be fair though, there were a few positive things the USSR did. They successfully launched the first satellite Sputnik, they put the first person into space (Yuri Gagarin), created the game Tetris, allegedly developed the handwriting software recognition for the Newton, brought innovation to hockey and kept the Bolshoi a premiere ballet troupe. These contributions will never outweigh all the horrors they committed. I just will never subscribe to St. Reagan’s rhetoric of them being the evil empire given the US’s atrocities  via the CIA and the old fart’s history of raping women on the casting couch.

It is pretty hard to believe the Soviets are gone. Growing up in the Seventies and Eighties, they always seemed to be an enemy who’d be around to menace the West for decades to come. Now it’s mostly Russia being a pain in the ass with the cyberattacks and invasion of Ukraine under its blatant dictator while other former republics have devolved into isolated little kleptocracies with little interest in world domination. A few have moved closer to the West and wanted to embrace liberal democratic systems in the EU mold: the three Baltic nations and Ukraine.

Just goes to show you how the future is unpredictable and filled with surprises. Maybe in a few years I’ll be writing about the four or five individual states the US breaks up into as I’m forced to emigrate to California or Oregon.

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Jennifer and I as anime characters

TikTok filters need a lot more work to be accurate. In the original photo is used, I wasn’t wearing glasses, I had a cowboy hat and Jennifer’s eyes were open. Oh, my chins disappear into pointed chin. What’s with that? The background was also transferred into use being an apartment or business building, not the Coupland Dance Hall.

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Seven Stages to Achieve Eternal Bliss

Welcome to the last installment of Pandemic Theater. It’s not that the COVID-19 problem is over, given the millions now coming down with it in China courtesy of their dictator Xi deciding to lift the measures. Nobody really cares and there’s always a chance our novel virus has been quelled by some herd immunity or we’re in the part of the Horror movie with a false conclusion, before COVID-19 has a comeback to wipe out humanity a la so-so movies like Contagion.

On the docket is a Dark Comedy I had to watch because it involved several elements close to my heart: a stellar cast of great comedians you rarely see in key roles, manic behavior v. depression and an offbeat story which for better or for worse, goes in a dark direction. Think of it as a modern-day Sweeney Todd.

It all begins with Claire and Paul leaving their small town in Ohio to be in LA since Claire landed her dream job. Their luck hasn’t stopped there. They also rent an oddly reasonably priced apartment in a key neighborhood. Within a day they find out why. A stranger breaks into the apartment with a  spiral on his forehead talking some riddles, demanding to see the tub where he kills himself. When the police show up, Detective Cartwright (a rare sighting of Dan Harom acting) explains to the couple how the apartment comes with some history he has been following. A few years ago, a cult leader named Storsh (played by the overexposed Taika Waititi, I find his schtick voice he repeats constantly from Thor to be tiresome); convinced his followers to commit suicide in the apartment’s bathtub. Through this act, they’d join him in eternal bliss; he did the same unlike many cowardly cult leaders. Pretty creepy stuff but they have little choice right now, Paul is unemployed so they can’t afford a new place in the near future.

The next evening, two competing cultists (the hilarious Maria Bamford and Brian Posehn) have a scripture battle for use of the tub in which the woman wins. Afterwards, they listen to her LEGO story and clumsily try to help her get to the other side. They also start reading the Book of Storsh the cultist left behind. Storsh’s writings are a bunch of platitudes and positive thinking crap coinciding with the song he left behind on YouTube. In short, Storsh hasn’t write anything terribly new nor very dangerous but Paul and Claire figure there’s no harm in reading the book. Then Claire attributes her recent success at work to Storsh and decides to go all in. Paul follows suit given his love for Claire but his path is to make super creative (and impractical) bird houses. The sinister turn comes when they believe its their duty to speed up the cultists’ journey with a rather poisonous concoction Cartwright either ignores or is too stupid to investigate. The former seems likely as he’s fooled into believing Claire’s advertising gig has any pull in selling the cop’s screenplay.

How matters unfurl, you will have to watch. It’s a surprise. Beyond starring Kate Miccuci, who also wrote Storch’s song, and appearances from Harmon, Bamford and Posehn, you’ll see the great Dana Gould as Claire’s weird boss, Mark McKinney, Matt Jones (Badger from Breaking Bad) and Mindy Sterling. I’m often glad to see favorite stand-ups in movies demonstrating their strengths along with watching a comedy beyond fart jokes and tired skits recycled from SNL. Sadly, Bliss left Hulu a couple months ago, you’ll have to hunt it down via other services or rent.

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Alright! Now I can hang up my “terrible” memos

One of the cool stocking stuffers Jennifer got me. I took them to work right away and set up the main characters to post the Xmas cards I received from friends. The magnets do come with a choice of two backgrounds to utilize of the kids in action (or inaction given they’re laziness). Now I have a craving for Whataburger…and they know it as there’s a free burger if I buy fries and a soda.

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Dinosaur conga line!

Spotted this for some last-minute supplies on Christmas Eve at my HEB. Jennifer thought the place was going to be insane, nah, it was just the usual except the line for the self-checkout got extreme. Anyway, I thought this was funny and my brain automatically started singing the Bart Simpson’s taunt at Lisa…”You don’t win friends with salad!” over and over. The poor dino who’s second to the left is uneasily going along despite being the only plant eater in the line. I’m too lazy to state what it is, I bet somebody’s kid knows.

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Freezageddon ’22! Final Day

Not bad for a Christmas Day, especially when compared to three others I readily recall in their horribleness via cold snaps and two were also in the southern portion of the US. The record holder remains 1993 because my grandmother’s house was poorly insulated. Sure it was disappointing for 1983 and 1988 yet I blame myself for having my hopes up too high; those years redeemed themselves for recovering sooner than the Midwest or Great Plains ever will.

As I write this, the Arctic Front is pretty over for Central Texas. We still have two days with overnight temperatures dipping below 0° C but -2° C is not very serious, it’s expected at least once every Winter.

We had a pretty good, brief celebration at Castella di Maggi with Jennifer’s family. Her mom, her adult children, her brother and all the significant others they have. The food food food! Looking forward to the leftovers I’m taking to work since the cafeteria is closed. Gifts were exchanged too. I made out well! The biggest thrill was a new gym bag. See how I tied this all to the food‽ Now that I’m over 40 (by a lot), I can see how adults are stoked to receive gifts I thought were lame when I was a kid and young adult. Obviously I could go out to Academy or Dick’s Sporting Goods, find one to fit the bill. It’s just cooler when Jennifer picks one out and gives it to me as a gift! Hell, she found something I’d never find in a decade! Plus it’s orange. The supplemental stuff I scored her was successful which makes me happy. Jennifer’s main gift was wireless/BlueTooth Beats, the earbud kind. They just weren’t a surprise, we cooperated on figuring them out: price, where to get them, etc. This year I wanted to throw in extra stuff due to her always spoiling me with little stocking stuffers.

The cats were also well-behaved whenever they escaped from the master bedroom. All but Isis were “locked up” because you know how creatures this small will get stepped on and worse, Metztli and Nubby will jump into others’ laps, hoping for a bite of people food. After the big meal, they were permitted to hang and receive cuddles though.

I hope you all had a great celebration regardless of what the official holiday was. We’re at the doorstep of 2023 and my favorite, New Year’s Eve/Day. Time to start the first draft of what I want to actually achieve versus what I will continue to kick down the road. Given KAL having a direct flight from Austin to Amsterdam (weird right?), I’m confident the badgering I’ll get from Jeremy will be amplified.

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Freezageddon ’22! Day Three

Things are looking up today, namely the temperature! Thanks to the Sun coming out, we will return to 0° C by noon, ending the cold snap temporarily. By sunset, we dip again but it’s practically over tomorrow, Christmas Day! How I am not thrilled about the upcoming gas bill, probably a new record as per my Quicken file since 1996. Thanks inflation and thanks for nothing Jerome Powell you shit bird.

Jennifer’s mom reported a dusting of snow Thursday out in West Texas. I can live without a White Christmas.

Regardless, I’m excited for tonight! For the third time, but not in a row due to COVID, I’m attending L’oca Doro‘s Feast of the Seven Fishes! I started attending in 2019, only missed it in 2020, obviously, then back on the horse last year. It’s worth every penny. Jennifer gets her big get-together with a ton of food. Not literally…I hope. I have my fancy dinner to reconnect with my Italian ancestry since I’m slacking on learning the language. Be ready for a bunch of photos. Yes, I hate people who have to “capture” every stupid meal, especially when they’re nothing special. Feast is a big deal and worthy of such attention.

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Mom and Dad Save the World

This little-known comedy was part of Jon Lovitz’s short-lived career as a leading actor and I remember it briefly existing via a commercial or print ad. However, it probably tanked for being in the shadow of bigger, more successful Summer draws in 1992: Batman Returns, Lethal Weapon 3 and ugh, Sister Act. Thanks to Hulu having it, I got to watch it 30 years later and it wasn’t too bad. Lovitz had to quit SNL to complete production (wise move in my opinion) and he blamed the movie tanking over last-minute changes to make it “family friendly.” This does explain why it felt uneven at times. If it were released during the Fall or Spring, then the producers could’ve left it alone and maybe Save would’ve been a comedy success.

The premise is goofy, Emperor Tod of an alien planet plans to destroy Earth but before he follows through, he is smitten by California housewife Marge Nelson. So when Marge and her husband Dick head out for a long weekend, Tod’s scientists use a giant magnet to kidnap them setting in motion a predictable outcome: Dick helps restore the rightful, imprisoned king to the throne; Marge fights Tod’s advances to stall for time.

What makes this stand out from other, similar stories? Two things. The first one is for comic effect and it’s not very funny, everybody on this planet is incredibly stupid, making Dick and Marge the smartest people around. The second I did like, it’s the set design which is very reminiscent of Dr. Seuss’ artwork. The alien costumes, buildings and trappings are colorful and often asymmetrical. It covers up for the intentionally, poor-quality special effects. I don’t mind this. If the story, comedy and/or acting can compensate, the effects are secondary. Save isn’t meant to be on par with Star Wars.

It’s still worth wasting 90 minutes as Lovitz was in his prime and amusing. Terri Garr is tolerable. It’s hard to watch Jeffrey Jones after the child endangerment charges that were issued against him. Maybe I’d change my mind if I saw him in Deadwood. The movie left Hulu a couple months ago but it may be on other services or it might return as the reboot of The Three Stooges from 2012 did.

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