I guess Henry Bascombe made bail

Scooby and the Gang found out the hard way not to mess with immoral real-estate deals as their Mystery Machine was torched by agents from the local Chamber of Commerce and the American Enterprise Institute; both are the public-facing elements of America’s home grown terrorists. Yet what could they do? The “ghost” was just a ploy to scare the retired residents out of their rent-controlled homes. Then Bascombe could sell the property for much, much more as the land would host yet more overpriced apartments for Russian mobsters, Californicators and Brooklyn Hipsters. I’m surprised the Right hasn’t gone after Scooby Doo for showing social justice warriors exposing Kapitalism’s role in making the ongoing housing crisis worse. Now that their doofus proxy has been defeated in Georgia, they do have more time on their hands given all they’ll be doing with their slim majority in the House is investigating why the sun shines.

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The Predator franchise is just frustrating much like the Alien one, Terminator died after Judgment Day for me. They started off really well, had a pretty good sequel and then have been really uneven ever since. For Alien, the biggest gripe I have is continuity along with how stupid people have to be in order for the Xenomorphs to do their thing. I guess the writers and Ridley Scott got a note from Murdoch and the Disney Stazi to stop using the more realistic plots; corporations and governments intentionally infecting people to make a profit. Now with Predator, it has gone better after Predator II. Yes, the AVPs sucked but Predators rocked in how we discovered, the aliens have a hunting planet to practice on. Then The Predator was a waste of time. Thankfully Prey rocked and its a shame only Hulu distributed it. I bet during the pre-COVID days it would’ve been a hit.

This outing recycles the old premise; people carrying out their line of work and the alien disrupts things. What makes Prey great is the execution; it’s set in the early 18th Century when the Comanche Nation was relatively unmolested by Europeans. If Ah-nold and his experienced, well-armed mercenaries got mowed down one by one in 1987, what chances do Naru and her fellow hunters have with bows and arrows circa 1715? The Comanches do have the advantage of knowing the terrain and unlike the French trappers who would’ve been poking around to the north, they’re more alert to their surroundings. Naru doesn’t necessarily need night-vision goggles or GPS, she has the skills commonly found in people who live the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. If the Comanches didn’t, they would’ve starved to death centuries ago.

Prey has great action sequences and gives more insight on the aliens’ strengths and weaknesses. Being on Hulu, it’s technically unrated so there are a few pretty gruesome scenes of people getting felled by the alien’s weapons. What I loved most was the attention to accuracy. The producers casted primarily people with First Nation heritage, not Chris Pratt covered in makeup and coached to have an accent; aka the insulting choice to cast him as Mario when there are plenty of better people of Italian descent. You can also watch it dubbed in the Comanche language with English subtitles. So in conclusion, I’ll close with the score on the three kick-ass Action/Sci-Fi franchises of the Eighties, AVP doesn’t count.

  • Terminator: 1-5
  • Alien: 4-2
  • Predator: 4-1
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RIP Kirstie Alley

I should’ve known there’d be a wave of deaths since I checked my BusyCal and I saw none concerning me for about three weeks. It is a shame to see Kirstie pass, especially if there’s any rightwing crank has been actor needing to die now, my vote would be James Woods or John Voight.

Putting her politics and Scientology membership aside, she was first and foremost the best new character to join Captain Kirk and his crew as Saavik in the best movie of them all. Kirstie really put her mark on the character. It sucked that she didn’t return in Star Trek III, IV or IV (c’mon, we know Valeris was a proxy for Saavik); the rumor was she asked for “too much money.” Robin Curtis did the best she could but again, Kirstie was a hard to follow in how she shaped the audience’s expectations. I am glad, Robin got the opportunity in IV and a new Vulcan for Next Generation.

In many ways, the universe sort of paid Kirstie back. When Shelly Long left Cheers to make a string of middling films, the show brought her in as Sam’s new boss. The writers were generous in not making her a clone of the beloved Diane, she was an entirely different personality with no affections for Sam.

Despite Kirstie’s rightwing rants supporting the Floridian Fondler and other crazy crap, I’ll let her slide because there isn’t much else I cared for in her resume so this is my attempt at a little respect for the dead. One comedian scolded the public for making Look Who’s Talking at hit which led to the sequels (ick!), ergo, we all deserved to be punished and I think she needed the money. I do admit she was brave to be quite public with her past weight issues by turning it into the Showtime program Fat Actress.

Farewell Kirstie. Thank you for joining the ranks of other pretty actresses to wear those Vulcan ears and proving how Roddenberry’s vision to introduce a new generation was popular with viewers.

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Socialism strikes and succeeds again! Dec. 2022 edition

My credit union pulled through in the clutch again! Due to its fiscal wits and not pissing away our savings on crypto-bullshit-funny money, we had a $35 million extraordinary dividend. This adding a couple hundred greenbacks to my share account! Came in handy to pay for Jennifer’s Christmas present which wasn’t really expensive in my opinion. It’s just nice to have more cushion for all the surprises this year has hit us with: new HVAC, stolen car, sick animals, etc. Meanwhile, banks continue to screw over the people with their main shill Jamie Dimon being covered by the Media as some kind of wiseman when he’s a renowned liar and thief. Please explain oh suckers of Kapitalism, why is Socialism bad again?

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Kwanzabot, Nibbler and Robot Santa visit Austin

I knew there was a reason why I felt compelled to go to Jason’s Deli for soup last weekend! It’s actually pretty good for the price point you pay too. The only thing I could say that beat it was this crab-based chowder I had at a sushi place earlier in the week. Definitely had to take a photo of the alien language at the top, aka Venusian from Futurama. This one isn’t hard to translate given it’s a simple substitution which was allegedly solved 10 minutes after the 1999 pilot aired on Fox. Even if you don’t have the font or access to a website to provide the key (there’s an a site which will do it for you), what’s on the board could be deduced in 20 minutes I’d guess by playing a form of the hangman or Wheel of Fortune game by substituting the most common characters with the most common vowel (E) or consonants (S, T) in American English. What did I do? The hard way, went by the symbols first on a spreadsheet I made of numerous fictional languages I’ve collected: Aurabesh, Mandalorian and Ithorian (Star Wars); Atlantean (Disney’s Atlantis); Elvish, Dwarven and Draconic (D&D). Whenever I use them in my games, I like to throw the players off further by writing the translation in my pidgin French or Italian before converting to the “foreign” font. I don’t want it to be that easy.

If you really, really want to know what the Jason’s Deli blackboard says and you don’t want to do the work, contact me. I’ll be more than thrilled to tell you. This trivial work reminds me how I have a slug of the same “language” to translate (or more correctly, decode) from our recent trip to Vegas. This part art exhibit, part rave hangout had a giant robot with Venusian plaqes all over it and the gang from Futurama gave their permission for this.

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Rest in Peace Bob McGrath

It’s sad to see another little piece of childhood pass away but I’m over 50 now so it’s all inevitable. What I am glad about is how long Bob lived along with the decades of joy he gave millions of children around the world!

Quick aside. In my family, Bob was already famous long before he joined Sesame Street. If you read his obituary, he was born in Ottawa, IL; my father’s hometown and where my maternal grandmother taught high school until her retirement. Allegedly, my Uncle Skip went to high school or something with him; they weren’t tight, probably knew about the upper classman who went on to be a member of The Mitch Miller Show. If you’ve seen the Tom Hanks movie That Thing You Do!, the cheesey, song being sung by a chorus of men is a tribute to the type of show Mitch was. I think it was created in the late Fifties/early Sixties to entertain the “Greatest” Generation because you’d see Bob amongst the other male singers covering standards. I saw it once or twice in syndication. It was way, way less schmaltz and felt more sincere than Lawrence Welk.

Now to how much Bob meant in the last act of his career via Sesame Street, a PBS and “Big Gubmint” success St. Reagan couldn’t and his stormtroopers can’t refute. Being in Generation X, he was a huge fixture, amongst the diverse cast, in my upbringing since we were the inaugural audience learning the show’s socialist values. You know, not being a dick to other people, cooperating/compromising in addition to counting and reading. His singing and constant smiling were a delight, while telling us all about the people in our neighborhood. My grandparents even had one of his solo albums.

Of course, I graduated to The Electric Company, Zoom, 3-2-1 Contact and less PBS programming so Sesame Street became a show for babies. I am glad Bob continued to be a fixture for the remainder of Gen X, the Mills, Get Z and the nicknames they have for the ongoing two living today. It’s nice we all have something in common beyond Muppets voraciously eating cookies.

While I was in the my thirties, I recall reading an interview with him and a funny anecdote about his fame came up. The details were hazy but it entailed him being in a store and a little girl snuck up on him, tugged on his sleeve. He politely asked her, “Do you know who I am?” She nodded in a awe. Given who he was, I’m confident he was smiling and laughing a little. I bet he never grew tired of it. Bob got to be a beloved figure, especially amongst American children on par with Santa Claus.

Bob, thank you ever so much for everything you did! I’m choking back the tears writing my personal farewell to you. Sesame Street wouldn’t have been the same without you plus it’s awesome that Ottawa, IL; got another famous resident beyond Lew Wallace; he wrote the novel Ben Hur. May you live forever in syndication through PBS and streaming.

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The Exploding Detective by John Swartzwelder

Holy Crap! I’ve finished two books this year! It’s more amazing how I got Detective read entirely within the same year as Guns, Germs & Steel took over a year.

I have a quick, serious question for the experts on human learning and development. Do periodicals count? I know I plow through magazine and newspaper articles. Books go into greater depth on many subjects yet sometimes you gotta’ see what’s up in the news, or as Historians call it, the first draft of History.

Since I completed a serious book, I went with an entertaining, light comedic novel by the always funny John Swartzwelder and his inept private dick, Frank Burley. Yikes, I haven’t read anything involving him in seven years! I’m confident he’s had additional adventures I need to buy via Kindle to catch up.

This time, Frank has decided to return to being a detective but to drum up business he has bought a used jetpack developed by the Nazis during WWII. He figures he can solve crimes faster and pass the savings on to his customers, quite a gimmick. Being Frank, it doesn’t pan out because the jetpack is unwieldy, resulting in numerous injuries. It isn’t a complete wash. His home of Central City is plagued by a crime wave in the industrial district. All the robbers are taking are manufacturing materials. What makes it even weirder, the majority are some kind of robots led by Napoleon, or somebody who thinks he is. Will Frank solve it? The true question is whether or not Frank figures it out directly or gets sucked in as he has with past mysteries.

Detective continues Swartzwelder’s traditional humor with the wordplay, references to old-timey stuff he excelled at with The Simpsons and Frank’s inability to frustrate his enemies through pure idiocy. Another quick read you could get through in a day if you put aside say a long afternoon. Besides the Sci-Fi and Noir tropes, Detective brings in the well-worn Spy-Fi ones. A must read for Simpson fans and anyone who loves absurd humor. It would be cool if the show brought John back for a one-shot episode as they’ve done for the equally talented Nell Scovell. Then he could boast on the book covers how he’s written 60 episodes, a nice rounded-off number!

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Finally, one of the new torties comes out to be petted!

Dragon’s Lair has always had a shop cat since I first started going there in 1994 and it was just a big house in Hyde Park. After Mayday passed away, I can’t remember if it was pre-, during or post-COVID, the current owners waiting a long time before replacing her. Then they adopted a pair of tortoise-shells but for months they preferred to hang out in the office, lounging on their spacious towers, taunting us humans via the window. I bet they really enjoy patrolling the store when its closed, going wherever they please.

Today, one was hanging out on a table. I calmly approached her, let her see my hands, let her sniff them to detect my five cats and then she was cool. She enjoyed the petting even if I couldn’t hear any audible purring. She does make it difficult to take her photo if you want one with her face directly looking at you. I’m glad they chose this type of cat, I’m not sure they’re a breed, I figured the name is just for the coloring since tortoise-shells can have long or short hair, standard or flat faces and their size varies from my tiny Isis (under 10 pounds) to huge (I’m talking Mane Coon which can be around 30 pounds). I do hope this kitty will let me visit her more. I know not to pick her up like my monsters. Shop cats are always on duty, they don’t have time for frivolous attention from us dumb humans.

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The tree for 2022 is now ready!

Jennifer and Cheyenne decorated the tree yesterday! It looks pretty nice as per the movie I posted via YouTube. The star stopped working because Nubby chewed the cord despite our best efforts to hide it from him. If anyone knows how to splice it back together without anyone getting zapped to death, notify me ASAP.

In other updates with the tree, the barrier Jennifer put in place is working! We have not come home to nor be awakened rudely by a loud crashing of any cat climbing into the tree.

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Glass Onion: Must See

Benoit Blanc is back! This time the mystery to solve is trickier than before since, as per the title, the solution is right there where all can see it but who the culprit is hides behind all the layers planted to deceive and obfuscate.

Much like Knives Out, Blanc needs to resolve an Agatha Christie-dense whodunnit (or whowilldoit) plot involving motives for all guests, an insufferable victim and resolve it with the same panache as Columbo. This time out, he is accidentally invited to a party on a remote Greek island hosted by Miles Bron, a spot-on synthesis of all the asshole billionaire geniuses  the Media raves about and are now currently crashing to earth thanks to Meta tanking, Twitter foundering and cancer, which equalizes all humans in death. Bron has planned a murder-mystery party on his remote island with his dear friends: a governor running for a US senate seat, a scientist Bron’s employs, an idiot men’s rights influencer, and a washed-up model-turned influencer with a big mouth. The influencers have their girlfriend or assistant in tow respectively. They’re obvious stand-ins for the usual clods on YouTube, TikTok or the Media gobbling up needless attention. Blanc isn’t the only wild card though, Bron’s former partner Andi Brand has chosen to appear. She represents the Winklevoss twins Zuckerberg screwed over except Andi is likable and Miles did it for more than money as you’ll see.

Johnson does it again! Making me forgive him even more for The Last Jedi unwatchable after a couple viewings. He has another dream cast: Kathryn Hahn, Dave Bautista, Kate Hudson (heavy makeup), Leslie Odom Jr., Janelle Monáe and Edward Norton. Norton is perfect as the billionaire faux genius too. He spouts off the usual cringeworthy clichés we’ve heard for the last 20 years about disruption, changing the world, blah blah…when we all know it’s about making these dough nozzles today’s Robber Barons. I loved how Benoit takes him to task for the malapropisms, some genius. What worries me is Norton’s tendency to sabotage the work he does, demonstrating how he didn’t need to study Musk, Zuck or Bezos for the role, he’s just naturally a dick. Anyway, Onion is funny, clever and terribly amusing, namely for when Benoit reveals all his cards a la Agatha Christie to the suspects and audience.

The downside is how Onion was in theaters for just a week. It’s a Netflix production you can watch at your leisure. I chose to do the Alamo thing to show my support, plus I have suspended Netflix for a while to save money as it has little to justify the sub now; the Disney bundle is kicking its ass via Disney and Hulu. I do insist on watching this in one sitting too. Don’t pause it unless you need to hit the potty. Pay attention, don’t be folding laundry while it’s on neither, this isn’t Hallmark. Now I cannot wait to see what the third installment of Benoit Blanc’s sleuthing will be. 

Alamo Extras: Half was recycled from Knives Out so I’ll just list what was unique. Trailers for Gosford Park, The Mirror Crack’d, And Then There Were None, Murder at the Gallery, Evil Under the Sun and The Last of Sheila; Commercials for game such as Clue on a VCR, Electronic Detective plugged by Don Adams, The Museum Caper Game and Clue II on a VCR; lastly, someone made a music video for the song “Glass Onion,” by the North Korean Dictators of Pop, The Beatles.

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Don’t panic over this month’s Header!

It has nothing to do with Current Events! I will explain its significance in a couple weeks as it’s the anniversary of a mostly life-changing experience. Plus why I never took a true, week-long vacation for a few years! I probably should’ve amended the picture to include the year it took place too. Given the mercenary nature of the Internet 30 years later and how Kapitalism has perverted it, the search for a picture covering what I wanted to cover was instantaneous! Then it was only a matter of pinning down the one I preferred. I think it’s pretty sick, sad and damning.

Sadly, it nails the current zeitgeist as well given Amerika’s false gods Musk and Zuckerberg axing 7500 and 11,000 people respectively because of their fragile egos and incompetence. I have no sympathy for all the people being sued over the FTX debacle as every celebrity who shilled for crypto bullshit deserves to be punished where it hurts, in their collective wallets.

Well…welcome to December! We’re in the home stretch to this year and have to prep for the upcoming 2023. Cards have been working their way out in batches of three or four. If you’re on the list, I do hope you enjoy it as much as last year’s. I’m scheming on next year’s thanks to some odd inspiration via imdb.com!

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Something Amerika would have a stroke over seeing

Jeremy sent this recently. It’s a posting from the Dutch Communists’ Youth Brigade. Yes, these organizations still exist despite the huge lie told by the Tories and Republicans, and repeated by Corporate-owned media, on how their wannabe dictators won the Cold War. A translation of it says, “Climate conflict is class conflict, save the environment and uproot Capitalism.” The traditional symbols of the hammer and the sickle are reworked as plants. I could easily see the hammer but I find the sickle a stretch.

They’re mostly right as per Marx’s writings. The current situation vindicates them in how Climate Change’s suffering will be borne out by the poor and poorer nations. However, they may want to find a better, more precise word than “uproot.” Much like defund the police, stupid people and word lawyers will exploit a spurious definition more associated with “eliminate” or “destroy” when the context may be “reform.” At least that’s how I saw the defund the police movement which I continue to support, most cops are just tax-funded Pinkertons, protecting the upper crust’s shit. I’m not under any delusions with European Communists, many probably are diehard smash-the-system and setup a prole-based dictatorship types who think Socialists/Social Democrats are equal to America’s worthless Liberals (Biden has proven he’s still anti-Labor today via railroad workers needing sick time). Others may see how the process of exploitation, aka profit, must remain yet at lower (more humane) margins, the argument often made by Socialists, or as their saying goes…exploitation remains, we just make sure it hurts way less.

It’s good to see this and its attempt at speaking truth to power. In Amerika, you probably wouldn’t find a similar flyer outside a college campus or the more Bohemian areas of the major cities. Nevermind all the Ron Paul crap I continue to see or Ayn Rand-based crap on Teslas. What’s really pathetic is all the (Neo)Liberals feeling obliged to state why these Communists are misguided as they recite some Sorkinesque bullshit. Makes me glad I took Karl Marx and Marxism as my philosophy elective at Marquette. Contrary to the Right, it didn’t make me a Communist, it gave me a better understanding of Marx and the times he lived in. Plus how he did get numerous things right while the foundation of his thinking is derived from Hegel, someone the Right doesn’t get its undies in a knot over, as many probably never heard of him.

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1972: Pong makes its debut

It may not have been the first arcade cabinet game, I think would go to its predecessor Computer Space, but it’s the one which really got the industry, namely Atari rolling! What I didn’t know is that Magnavox already sold a home version so a copyright infringement lawsuit kicked in shortly. I guess it didn’t pan out against Atari as you would see these Pong cabinets all over America in bars, laundromats and the new arcade businesses popping once pinball was declared legal in enough states.

I remember reading a story about how successful the game was. There was allegedly a bar near Atari’s headquarters, a guinea pig for their product. One day, Atari received a call from the watering hole to come look at the game, it appeared to be broken because it wasn’t responding. I think the description was on the vague side. When the tech showed up, he quickly discovered the problem. The machine’s coin box was stuffed and it was “broken” as it couldn’t take anymore money. Pretty amazing given how expensive it was the play 1972’s standards. Back then a quarter had the seven times the purchasing power it has today. Seems about right, if you go to the few video arcades remaining, the latest and great game runs around two bucks a pop. Paying a buck to a buck and a half is really a bargain after inflation kicks in.

To my few younger readers, Pong seems incredibly silly. How could a game some simple in its graphics and concept be such a hit? Why did I bug the hell out of my parents for one? Novelty is always a factor. I think it was impressive then due to it being on a video screen, similar to TV, instead of being mechanical which was how previous games functioned. Sure you were flying a jet fighter or driving a Formula-One race car but the Physics, the AI of your opponent and execution were often flawed. You could often figure out a pattern to what it was going to do. For me, it was the “graphics.”

Hard to believe it really began to take off 50 years ago. Given how far along we are with home consoles (PS5, Xbox Something and Nintendo Switch), tablets/phones, computers and arcades offering VR experiences; it feels like twice as long. Games are conspicuously present and young kids at any economic level aren’t deprived.

The Guardian did a piece about Pong’s anniversary over the Thanksgiving week too, you can read it here.

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First tree at Castello di Maggi in years

Obviously this was Jennifer’s doing as you all know I’m not a fan of Christmas beyond a few movies, some navel-gazing nostalgia and putting together a humorous-weird musical compilation. Even before the divorce, Somara and I just gave up on the artificial tree because it became too much work plus it was too much temptation for Nemo; thankfully the other cats were not interested. Jennifer compromised by getting a fake one, normally she buys a live one for her apartment but I have a much lower ceiling.

Our household currently has five cats and only two were mysteries about trees; we knew Isis, Vegas and Nubby don’t care. The verdict? Metztli ignored it and Agamemnon has been busted twice in the lower areas. He continued to probe around the base until Jennifer installed a barrier. This was in less than 24 hours.

I do like the lights now that LEDs have become the standard! They even came with a remote so you can make them blink or fade in various sequences. Only two colors though, blue and white. The star was directed after the photo since it projects several images on the ceiling. It’s designed to do it on a direct, flat surface or else you get el Greco Santa and snowmen.

Will there be ornaments later? I recall asking Jennifer yet I can’t remember her answer. Until we have a better assessment on the barrier’s effectiveness against Agamemnon’s “regression” (he was born in a feral colony around Corpus Christi), I vote “no,” especially if they’re fragile/prone to breakage. Will there be gifts under the tree later? I have no idea. Again, I vote “no,” as I have busted Nubby and Metztli for trying to tear open bags of food, wrapping paper will be a breeze with their murder mittens.

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My right-wing cousin’s normal attire…

or how numerous White males dress in the Austin ‘burbs, especially in Cedar Park, Round Rock and Georgetown. The proportion grows the further North you go into Williamson County and beyond. I imagine it’s true with the other three directions (Bastrop, Dripping Springs, Buda, etc.) the more distance you place between Austin and its neighbors. It should then thin out as you get closer to Houston and parts of Dallas (which has a stronger liberal/left voting record than Austin oddly). San Antonio has at least two active military bases so don’t hold your breath for this type of asshole receding. They’re part of the “New Austin” problem via being God Barn members, gas guzzler drivers (if they can’t afford a Tesla bro!) and want charter schools to guarantee their offspring are even dumber and more gullible than they are.

I also find it funny how the Conservatives (my umbrella definition of that political faction or confederacy: MAGAts, Teabaggers, Country Club Republicans (WASPs), Evangelicals and Militaristic/Fascists) now have beards. Many are just the stubbly fuzzy kinds my GI Joe dolls had (the original 10 1/2″ versions with Kung-Fu Grip); not long ago, facial hair used to be their way to identify those they hated: Marxists, Socialists, Hippies, Commies, Beatniks and most Intellectual Types. Oh yeah, Muslims allegedly have them, it’s how they tell you they’re with al-Qeda! I suppose it’s the length. Nevermind how I can’t always tell a Proud Boy apart from a Hipster. My immediate guess is to either look at their arm tats for a “III,” the Punisher skull or the lambda character or I spot a man bun.

Lastly, I love the “Not scared, bro,” comment. Much in line with my right-wing cousin, they talk a big game, horde a dozen firearms and claim homosexuality is a choice. They’re even bloviating about how the Second Amendment says its their duty to have their penis surrogates should the need to overthrow a rightfully elected government, especially if its politically leanings are left of Barry Goldwater. Should you ever confront them about or actually know their military background, you’ll see many never joined or in my familial example, they were in the support elements and/or never experienced combat. Should you be curious, much like these people, my cousin was a mechanic in the Navy for 12 years and mustered out around 2000…three years before the Afghanistan and Iraq Fiascos created by the Bush-Cheney Lies. Oh, despite Noriega becoming inconvenient to Bush the Elder, he was relatively fresh out of basic training during the Panama Coverup and I’m pretty confident he did not participate in 1991’s Gulf Distraction aka, Operation: Get Bush Re-elected with a Diversion to Take the Public’s Attention Away from the Shitty Economy Caused by St. Reagan’s Policies. But if you meet him and/or argue with him, he, again like the costume above, talks a tough game to deceive others into he thinking he was in Team Seal 6. We know, once they’re arrested as per the failed January 6th Coup, they squeal louder than pigs if prison or jail is a consequence!

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