Work continues to disappoint

The gig I landed as a rotation didn’t pan out into a permanent position even though a requisition opened up. Rather frustrating and exhausting. Three rounds and I didn’t get it. Personally, I don’t know why there were three. From the scuttlebutt of who were the competition, nobody was eliminated by any which makes the three-round prices pointless. Why have it if the previous two don’t do crap?

Is it a total wash? Not yet and here’s what my therapist says I’m practicing my gratitude to good effect, translation, why I continue living when death’s embrace would be welcome relief given the world is going to shit at every level. There’s a good shot at another opening within a few months because one of the permanent folks got a new spot, causing the other permanent person to come back from their rotation. So, I have to hope, the opportunity will return. Meanwhile, I may get my rotation extended a while since, like job requisitions, all corporations have one thing in common, their motto…festina et expecta, hurry up and wait. Of course comes the feedback on why I didn’t get it. I dread it will be in corporatese and filled with dreadful Newspeak words such as “pro-active” and “pivot.” It could be much worse, the role I go back to isn’t entirely awful. Well, it used to be better until recently since I don’t work well with micromanagers.

I think I just need to give up the ghost, take a pay cut to join an employer who will let me use my skills and talents to their potential instead treating me using me as the janitor to do the crap work its managers feel is beneath them. Plus, they don’t have juvenile attendance policies which are really designed to fire people when they’re seriously ill or have personal emergencies. Given how Grampa’ Brunch and Jerome Powell are busy making a Recession start, preferably after the midterms, to destroy wage gains and force people to take or keep crappy jobs.

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Giving Italian-American History month a break for 2022

Since the Cartoon Network turning 30 was more fun I decided to table the traditional stuff about Italian Heritage and pizza. They’ll return in 2023 and hopefully I will have new, interesting people to write about. During the “off season,” I’m always on the lookout for newer candidates, living or dead. It can be pretty tricky when the dead, especially if they’re women and/or lived between the Renaissance and the Gilded Age, so little was written about these people in English, or translated. If you have any recommendations, send them my way and hopefully I haven’t covered them.

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The Exchange

Prez Grampa’ Brunch may have declared the Pandemic over and told us to just live with it, once again proving the Leftists’ point in how there is NO MEANINGFUL DIFFERENCE between the modern Democrats (really the NeoLiberal Party) and psycho Republicans, ergo, my section called Pandemic Theater for streaming older gems, which often never made it to theaters, will continue.

Today’s is a real treat by long-time Simpsons writer and Canadian citizen, Tim Long. On the long-running cartoon he penned the recently season finale, a musical explaining how Amerika is destroying itself via Hugh Jackman and Robert Reich. He also handled (and made) Lady Gaga funny (and somewhat human) in her appearance. My personal favorite is Lisa hanging out with an imaginary Morrissey. It worked, it made the real racist, vegetarian Fascist angry. Beyond the Simpsons, he used to write for Politically Incorrect, David Letterman and Mr. Young. He’s also chipped in on China, IL; and the Napoleon Dynamite cartoon. Not sure if he can make Bloom County into a viable show. The strip stopped being funny nor interesting when Breathed hung it up in 1989 (or 1990?) to go weekly in Outland and then backpedaled by the time no one gave a crap. But if anyone can salvage it, I would bet on Tim Long.

Now on to the actual movie which is semi-autobiographical, more on this later.

The story is set in the mid-Eighties and Tim is a very bored, lonely teenager enduring the daily grind known as high school in his small, rural Canadian town (population, a few thousand people). He doesn’t fit in. He reads Camus. He watches French New Wave flicks on the VCR. He is actually trying to do well in Canada’s mandatory French classes. He listens to bands “only faggots like” (which is what people said then, get over it thin-skinned Mills and Gen Z), aka The Smiths. Tim can’t even relate to his parents yet they’re trying. His dad runs a John Deere franchise and his mom is involved with the local festivities. In short, Tim is counting down the days until he graduates and leaves for a place where he can hang with like-minded friends.

One day, the French teacher tells the class about a student-exchange program which lets you host a French person of high school age for a semester. Tim is stoked. He rushes home to write the essay on why his family should be chosen; pretty lucky guy, he had a Mac in 1985-86! Obviously he’s chosen or there wouldn’t be any movie. Tim’s imagination and  expectations run away with him too. He figures that this French teen will share his love of all the things about France he loves. They’ll sit around discussing Goddard’s movies while drinking espresso, it’ll be awesome! Nope. Tim’s dreams are immediately dashed by the person assigned to his family…Stéphane, who appears to be the equivalent of all the stupid meatheads he attends school with. Stéphane couldn’t be any less “French” to Tim outside his chain smoking. He isn’t familiar with Tim’s favorite writers, directors or music. He dresses like a Rapper. All the landmarks Tim lists are what he dismisses as “tourist Paris, it’s not my Paris.” A rather fitting rebuttal too. As you can see in Stéphane’s appearance, his darker complexion implies he’s the descendent of immigrants, ergo he isn’t what most Americans/Canadians perceive of as a “typical” French person. Sadly, French whites have the same problem which is why Le Pen has gained ground in the last decade.

The frustration carries over when they go to school. Stéphane is popular with the girls and starts boning many of them in no time. He’s incredible at soccer so he becomes the star player. His presence even changes the theme to the town’s annual parade, it’s transformed in to some international thing. Tim’s hope for some intellectual relief in high school has become a new tormentor.

How the story unfolds, you’ll have to watch and see. Besides, there are other subplots going on: the mid-Eighties recession hitting rural Canada, bigotry towards the Canadian Indians (First Nations, not India), jealousy from the local constable and Tim’s parents’ marriage hitting the skids.

What I loved, as I often do with these types of movies, are the details and in Exchange‘s case, it nailed elements about my mixed timed in Beulah, ND. The small-town mindset which entails institutionalized bullying against intelligence while glamourzing sports. The daily boredom caused by the town’s remoteness from anything interesting. Tim may live in the province of Ontario which is where Ottawa and Toronto are but they’re hundreds of miles (or kilometers) away. To put it into a relatable, American perspective. Tim lives in the equivalent of far West Texas, say Marfa. Sure Texas is home to Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio but they’re not a day trip. El Paso is closer yet…it’s El Paso. If it weren’t for the US Air Force, the town would be even smaller and it remains a cultural desert. As for what I was like during those same years, I wasn’t the same as Tim except for tastes in music but we shared the outsider moniker. He had French culture, I had D&D and wasn’t afraid of effeminate things as I have always been secure in my heterosexuality after 1984. Well, I had friends in Beulah who could relate to the crap I liked: Jon, Mike, Darren, Jason (RIP), Paul and Scott. I guess you could say we were the Geek Mafia, hanging at the convenience store playing the couple video games they had. Lastly, I did love how Stéphane changes Tim’s perceptions about what is to be French. It’s the same as being an American. It isn’t something you’re born into. It’s something you are by conviction. It’s also something that cannot be dictated by racist powers who believe they’re higher powers. There are stereotypical behaviors each can’t dodge at times: French chain smoking, Canadian “politeness” and American loudness. Tim learns how French people are as unexceptional as his countrymen and you’ll see in the closing credits/epilog how Tim gets his turn in Paris.

Back to Tim Long, the writer and the name of the main character. Shortly after watching the movie, I bugged him on Twitter and we had this really cool exchange…

What a great and brutally honest answer. I thought the same thing in that “outsiders” are their own worst enemy in the end.

As of this posting, The Exchange cannot be found on any streaming services I know of and I chose to purchase it from Apple’s Movies store thanks to a friend giving me a gift card for my birthday. Should you find it by more accessible means, let me know ASAP.

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Eight thousand miles!

This morning I have hit 32% of the Earth’s circumference. Never thought I would get there given what a bust September had been but I started getting back into my groove last week, slowly with 10 miles, then 11 the next, so on until I attained my usual hour a day, which averages around 17 miles. It was pretty hard going and painful, well duh, I was pretty out of shape despite getting over 10,000 steps every day in Vegas, they’re just different exercises. However, I’m pretty confident, managing over 10,000 steps per day is an ability we all have built in.

What I need to overcome lately are all the damned headaches I have within an hour of cleaning up. I don’t know if it’s dehydration or something else. I fear it’s the latter given my crap luck in the world.

On to 9000 miles and the plan is to achieve this for ’22 ends, then ’23 will be set up for the 10,000 miles success point!

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1992: The Cartoon Network begins! Part 1: The salad years

Cartoon and Cable Television history were made on this day! Oddly, I was living in a market lucky enough to have it on day one. I used to feel the same way about the Sci-Fi Channel but everybody soured on that network in a couple months.

The Cartoon Network was not an entirely original channel. It was more of a couple clever decisions by former cable mogul Ted Turner. Firstly, Turner had acquired more catalogs of old films, shorts and cartoons back in the Eighties. I think the majority were from MGM. Turner earned a lot of negative attention when he some colorized. Secondly, he bought the parent company that owned Hanna-Barbera since 1969 about a year before CN’s launch. This provided an incredible amount of stuff. About three decades of Saturday Morning shows made by the two legends along with their former employees Ruby and Spears. There was also the syndicated material from weekday afternoons. Lastly, CN was a response to the new threat Turner recognized yet I think Disney was indifferent to…Nickelodeon!

The infamous “Slime Network” was finally branching out into making new shows after airing stuff from Canada and the UK for a decade; remember Danger Mouse, The Seven Cities of Gold and You Can’t Do That on Television? They used to show Looney Tunes in the late Eighties despite Viacom buying the MTV Networks from Warner Communications in 1985. Nickelodeon transformed into a 24-hour channel in the late Eighties with Nick at Night, this would lead into the creation of TV Land. What got everybody to pay more attention? Their three original shows: Rugrats, Doug and Ren & Stimpy. The last program launched a million T-shirts to replace all the tired Simpsons!

CN wasn’t as exciting in the beginning. It was mostly 24 hours of stuff most Americans had seen a hundred times through Looney Tunes syndication packages for non-affiliated TV stations. Much of the Hanna-Barbera shows weren’t their best work neither, mostly the company cranking it out to fill time on the big three broadcast networks. There were times it was excited to get re-acquainted with the numerous Scooby knockoffs which only lasted a season or two: The Funky Phantom, Clue Club and Speed Buggy? A cable network can be more convenient than hunting down a videotape would be another advantage.

After several years, the Cartoon Network caught up to Nickelodeon thanks to Turner getting the Hanna-Barbera studio back into gear. It had the adding advantage of being exclusively animation while Nick did live action kid-friendly shows (Clarissa Explains it All, The Adventures of Pete & Pete) and went back to old TV after 7 PM. Turner had a better relationship with the former Time-Warner empire as he got dibs on their popular Batman syndication show from 1992 and I think they were making Saturday morning stuff for Fox. It didn’t matter, by 1996, Time-Warner bought up Ted. Now Scooby and Bugs were friends alongside Batman and Space Ghost.

Keep watching the header as I update it every day with three additions CN aired as they matured into a major reason why HBO Max isn’t a complete waste of dough.

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Hasbro Selfie Series now live!

It’s finally here! I thought I blathered on about it on my site in the past. It’s a lot harder to dig through the archives because Jeremy had to disable the widget allowing it on the home page or just keep experiencing Web-page constipation. Either way, it’s pretty cool to make a 45-year dream happen. No more hunting down somebody on Etsy or FeceBook! Hoping they’re former craftspeople from Robot Chicken.

Hasbro made it pretty simple. You just do a few motions with the built-in camera on your cellphone and boom! You follow up with some modifications as it doesn’t bother with hair (either kind). It’s not exclusive to Star Wars. They got licensing deals for Power Rangers, Ghostbusters, and Marvel. GI Joe they already own. We’ll see if the $60-plus price tag is worth it when I have the money and time to go through with “Gold 10” here. A couple things are disappointing given the price. No helmets. What kind of pilot lacks a helmet‽ Some lack diversity in body shapes, namely the big two traditional (or common? I don’t have any idea!) genders. For example, all X-Wing pilots are mostly male in detail. Women pilots lack the curves most have. I can live with the height issues, action figures are just one size to save money on manufacturing.

This evening, I had a little more luck. Target had the General Merrick figure on closeout! Solves my gripe of no helmet but I can change up the color of my flight suit!

You know I’ll be writing all about this again when mine arrives in the near future.

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RIP Coolio

Sad to hear about Coolio suddenly passing, he was only 59 and was still in demand for his varying talents. Although I’m not into Rap/Hip Hop music, I always loved him for being the voice of Futurama‘s Kwanzabot, a nice, non-violent counter to Robot Santa or Hanukkah Zombie who as you can see, hands out his book explaining the relatively new holiday…well, in our era, the Stupid Ages. I think Kwanzabot’s debut was when Bender had to cover for Robot Santa, then the movie Bender’s Big Score as helped the Planet Express crew fight back at the scammers and then his explanation of candles Kwanza uses. I loved the line saying, “The candles must be made of beeswax unless you’re White.”

The other cool TV cameo he had was as “himself” on Sabrina the Teenage Witch. It was the episode when Salem ran away from home and Sabrina went looking for him. She cast a spell on a Coolio poster to ask if he saw her cat pass through an alley. He did! Coolio gave a direction to follow. Sabrina then wanted to know if he could get her tickets to the sold-out show. Coolio said, sorry, try asking a billboard, they have more clout.

Lastly, everyone remembers his big hit “Gangsta’s Paradise” from the movie Dangerous Minds which samples from Stevie Wonder’s “Pastime Paradise.” It was then turned into a parody hit for Weird Al as “Amish Paradise.” There was a stink way back in 1996 over Al not getting Coolio’s permission as per Al’s custom. Technically, Al doesn’t have to as the Supreme Court has ruled that parodies are protected from pre-emptive silencing…for now. Al is only obligated to paying the ASCAP/BMI rights money to the song’s author and in the case of Rap’s usage of sampling, part of the money goes to Stevie Wonder for the melody. There was a lot of Coolio said v. Al said but given Al’s reputation, Coolio was mistaken or he was trying to pull Al into a rivalry as many Rappers have. Besides, Al and his people made sure Coolio got a check and didn’t try to pull some bullshit like Vanilla Ice tried with Queen and David Bowie.

Thanks for everything Coolio! I’m glad you were brought back one last time for the upcoming Hulu run of Futurama to voice your beloved Kwanzabot. I look forward to it and the tribute the crew will give you as we miss you already.

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Some unicorn fun!

A rather funny encounter between a “manly” dragon and a male unicorn. Good thing the interaction ended well because most non-metallic-based dragons are Evil and unicorns are Lawful Good and people think a date between a Trumper and Sanders Supporter would be ugly! Then again, who isn’t game for a free meal at a super fancy, expensive place? As long as the dragon keeps his talons to himself. What am I saying? As per Robot Chicken, the unicorn could be a creep!

Meanwhile, these special Chucks arrived! If you’re a little kid, they manufacture a slug of them and you can also find them at the outlet stores. The hard part is figuring out all those weird sizes children are given. Some short women could pull it off. Men, fat chance. We have to spend way more via the online store which offers the pattern as a customized design. At least I had a coupon to lower the price. Converse honors some loyalty. I had a few more options such as the color of the rubber, the tongue, the laces, etc. The most important choice I received was getting something stitched into the heel…

I did some homework, namely on Unicorn names from fiction, etc. Rohesia was pretty solid even if I don’t know the source but it means “kindness.” I can agree with that.

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1982: Square Pegs debuts

On this night forty years ago, the vanguard of Generation X yelled a collective “FINALLY!” when this show hit the airwaves. Below is the reason why it is this month’s Header Art too.

Oddly Square Pegs was on by CBS, the network most watched by the elderly and remains so. A SitCom focused on the trials and tribulations of high school in the early Eighties would scare aware the base waiting for the new Newhart show and those loyal to MASH. Why would the Tiffany Network risk it? Given the alternatives with the Big Three, I’m glad they did, it would pave the way for a future I list later.

The original fan wasn’t me but my mom. We were both watching some Sunday-morning show which focused on CBS’ new Fall ’82 lineup. Square Pegs came up and my mom’s interest was piqued due to the show’s creator, former SNL writer Anne Beatts. I wasn’t impressed by this and the sample scene involving Ricky Nelson’s daughter speaking in the (still) annoying Valley Girl manner told my 14-year-old brain, hijack the TV that night for more MTV!

Thankfully I was wrong and history panned out differently. Can’t remember when or why my mom tuned out. Me, I fell in love with the show. The focus was on the two awkward girls trying to gain acceptance from the popular crowd yet only two equally awkward boys were their best friends. Before Pegs, most SitComs I had seen about high schoolers covered the popular or semi-popular teens: Welcome Back Kotter and Happy Days. Same with the hit musical Grease. I may be guilty of selective memory, feel free to post a correction, it doesn’t hurt my feelings. Patty and Lauren’s struggles were relatable. I was never part of the cool kids club in grade school plus I had recently started high school. The latter was super depressing due to our move to Houston. Had we stayed put in Springfield, the transition to Griffin would’ve been smoother given all my former St. Agnes classmates being around in addition to rivals from the other ten parochial grade schools.

The coolest element was the music! Anne may have been a Boomer but she knew people my age didn’t listen to AOR crap exclusively, see how skewed Fast Times at Ridgemont is toward a Rolling Stone reader in their early thirties. The school’s radio station played the more recent bands featured on MTV when it was upsetting the complacent landscape on FM radio. The same could be said for the musical guests: Devo and the Waitresses! On the comedy front, people my age then were good with Bill Murray as the substitute teacher and Fr. Guido Sarducci, SNL friends of Anne.

A final factor was something I didn’t put my finger on at the time, I figured it out decades later when I scored the DVD. Pegs’ casting! Four of the characters were played by people under 18, something Hollywood continues to avoid whenever it can. Anne said in the DVD’s extra features, CBS pushed back on this and insisted on doing the usual thing: get people who are in their early twenties, it saves money and trouble. No matter how young those actors look, nobody believes they’re 14 or 15. Ralph Macchio is a one in ten million person. Good thing Anne found a production company with experience in making after-school specials.

Being TV, the cliques being compressed into composites couldn’t be avoided. Nobody on earth believes that the popular Valley-Girl-speaking Jennifer would be best friends with equally popular LaDonna, one of the few Black students in an LA-based ‘burb school. In real life they’d be bitter enemies surrounded with a cadre of like-minded asshole girls and they’d only be allies to hurt Patty and Lauren.

Anyway, Pegs watching was my Monday ritual most weeks. By the following Spring of 1983, it pretty much disappeared. I figured, “Crap! Bad ratings!” The end. I went on to other hobbies, etc. and the show faded away into a long list of short-lived flops. Sarah Jessica Parker went on to be in more stuff such as First Born and etc. until she became best known for the overrated Sex and the City show on HBO. Tracy Nelson was a nun in some mystery show with Tom Bosley. Jami Gertz had a brief role in a John Hughes movie! Sixteen Candles. Poor Merritt Butrick got killed off in Star Trek III and had a small role in Next Generation before he died of HIV-related illness. No clue on the rest.

The ugly truth about Pegs‘ cancellation did eventually surface before Anne Beatts’ demise. Ratings-wise, the show was successful enough that CBS planned to renew it. When the network discovered how rampant drug usage was amongst the cast and writers, they pulled their support. Beatts later admitted a few years later she lacked the experience and maturity to be a show runner. I wouldn’t say it was her age, the blame laid at the feet of her two past employers…The National Lampoon and SNL circa 1975-80, where the weed, booze and coke flowed alongside all the horrible excesses of the Seventies. She mentioned playing favorites amongst the cast too, not a smart move.

Again, I will always praise Pegs to the end. It made John Hughes’ six teen flicks of the Eighties possible alongside well-loved faves: Better Off Dead, Freaks and Geeks, Stranger Things, My So Called Life, The Wonder Years and Big Mouth to name a few. One day I hope to find where I packed the DVD boxed set so I can watch it one binge session.

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Twenty-five years of Las Vegas, post mortem

What’s really funny about Las Vegas, a city that is always changing…are the elements which have remained the same! You’re probably going, obviously dude! The gambling! The constant hustles! The ugly underside which continues despite the Republicans replacing The Outfit with Corporations; different criminals. No one on this planet should be shocked on how all of Nevada has evolved and found a way to keep existing beyond being a giant litter box. Once the silver mines dried up, the place had nothing else going for it as the Feds own 84% of its useless land.

Back to my real point on how Vegas is a constant. Someone who has been there before say, the Eighties could counter this or confirm it, I nominate my sis-in-law Anje’s parents as they’ve been there way more than me!

What I noticed in 1997 via my four weeks of having to live near the Strip remains painfully true now. The city’s visitors and/or semi-residents, often demonstrate what Amerika’s (possibly Canada’s) upcoming trends will be, namely the excesses.

The first one was the proliferation of tattoos. They were already happening as the Eighties ended. Vegas showed me there would be those who’d forget when to stop. In Austin, I’m accustomed to them and the majority here have tasteful body ornamentation, Jennifer obviously does, the one on her arm is quite the icebreaker with strangers. However, Vegas seemed to be the place normalizing living graffiti displays. 

This was followed by piercings to the point the person resembles Hellraiser‘s Pinhead or one of my favorite observations from a Texan, “She looks like she fell into a tackle box!” I think piercings other than ears had a head start. I remember a Marquette classmate having one through the side of her nose in 1988. It wasn’t flashy and it took some effort to notice. You’d see a person or two around Austin in the Nineties too and most though, hmm, Lolapolooza is in town. Vegas? It was a regular thing. I should’ve bought stock in Claire’s and the Piercing Hut!

Before you dismiss me as cribbing Bill Maher’s crappy excuse for stand-up which is really, “Oh these kids today!” The tattoo and piercing stuff preview I saw in 1997 wasn’t all bad, these modifications just certainly weren’t for me and the trends really took the worst turn they possibly could, they’re cliche now.

The sadder and truly dangerous thing I continue to see is morbid obesity. Nothing inspires me further on getting my gym routine back on track (I picked up where I left off) than a trip to Sin City. You often see people who aren’t quite senior citizens, requiring motorized scooter-chairs to get around. Some with oxygen tanks. I would rather be dead than in such a pathetic state if I didn’t prevent it via diet and exercise.

It’s also ground zero of “I give up on trying to have some dignity in my attire!” I think Crocs are born and raised on nearby  ranches here. To counter this, I’m grateful Jennifer shares my adult dressing up for one night tradition. I like to be comfortable but c’mon people. There’s comfy and there’s just being an outright slob! Should aliens land in Las Vegas and judge our species solely on the people present, we’re screwed.

Lastly, I did see some casinos taking the hint on how ugly the future will be since Lake Mead is drying up at an alarming rate. The Excalibur and New York New York casinos were eliminating their fountains. Mirage is in the process of changing owners so all those poor Europeans anticipating painful heating bills can stop scolding us on how much propane the volcano wastes, the new owners are dismantling it soon. Netflix backed the wrong horror threat recently, zombies, it will be closer to the last Mad Max with people killing each other for water.

Can’t wait to visit next year or sooner. The new craps tables which combine electronics and a live shooter beats the pop-o-matic I despise. I’ll blather on about the zip line later. Cheyenne’s choice to visit Meow Wolf was fun.

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My friend printed my Traveller design!

My friend Marion recently bought a new kind of 3D printer. This type uses liquid resin instead of those pesky spools which I think remelt the stuff. Regardless, the spool version leaves very noticeable lines or layers, giving away how it was made. I like how the new one functions too, you just buy a bottle of the goop/liquid and off you go. Marion was generous  in printing this file I bought from Hero Forge, my favorite place to have D&D minis made of my players’ characters and key NPCs. Since Hero Forge will sell you the file to print what you design for $8, I bought my first attempt at how I see the Ithklur soldiers seen throughout the Hive Federation from Traveller. I think GDW finally had illustrations of the famous “allies” of the Hivers, I can’t remember them and what few I did see were lame and disappointing. If you’re not familiar with Traveller, the Ithklur are a reptilian-looking race who live in the Hive Federation and their main purpose is to provide troopers given that Hivers stink at physical combat…in addition to their preference to avoid it. Despite them being assigned such a role, the Ithklur don’t mind as they’re originally a warrior race when the Hivers first encountered them. You don’t need to feel sorry for them neither, billions of other Ithklur have careers outside the military, the Hivers aren’t monsters.

The iPhone photograph doesn’t do this mini proper justice. The level of detail probably doesn’t look as strong as it could be as it’s not in color (the original design). However, I would like to do some cost-benefit analysis with Marion to calculate what’s the price per trooper. So far the software model is $8 (give/take tax), 500 g (or is it ml) of resin is $20, throw in latex gloves for handling after printing (no idea), maybe some other stuff and lastly, normalize the printer’s price which will decline per mini. Then I’d have a good cost per mini estimate to see if it’s worth bothering with or more importantly, I’m not wearing out Marion’s printer.

Hoping to have more to show off in the near future! I think the printer is a great solution for shock forces. Different colors for different ranks.

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RIP Louise Fletcher

Louise had two big major roles she’ll be remembered for with the public. With Boomers, she was the evil Nurse Ratched in the film adaptation of Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The villain who is supposed to be helping all these mentally-ill patients but instead, she’s more accurately their tormentor and jailer. Given that all the patients are men and Kesey’s love of mind-altering substances, I’m sure there’s a hidden message about how women like Ratched are emasculating the “poor” men. I read the novel in high school and unlike The Great Gatsby, Brave New World or To Kill a Mockingbird, I don’t recall Nest in such detail as I found much of it implausible. Trust me, the movie is a rare case of it being better than the book as Chief Broom’s mental perceptions were impossible to film.

With Mills and younger, she was Kai Winn on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Originally, her character was a vedek, the Bajoran equivalent of a cardinal or bishop, the Kai is their pope. Thanks to Roddenberry’s death Louise played a recurring guest character who at times was a pain in the ass as she represented the more conservative faction of the Bajoran’s faith, especially when she claimed the Federation taught blasphemy because Keiko O’Brien explained the nearby wormhole as an astronomical event not, a divine location. I need to rewatch the whole series when I pony up for Paramount+ again, right after I finish Star Trek: Next Generation. (I ran out of gas with the Eighties show due to the show hitting a painful doldrum in its last three seasons). I do know, Louise’s character finally embracing the evil Pah Wraiths with Gul Dukat wasn’t a weird turn. Winn had many run-ins with the Federation yet was never an outright enemy, more of a cultural speed bump Captain Sisko had deal with. However, when Bajor suffered for being on the front lines of the Dominion War, I could see her turning against the Federation and losing faith in the energy beings known as the Prophets.

Thanks for everything Louise! You were an incredible actress, person, parent and advocate for the deaf.

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Your Highness

Here’s a dud that didn’t age well after 11 years with James Franco being revealed as a creep adding insult to the injury my eyes endured for almost two hours. I definitely need to see Danny McBride in The Righteous Gemstones to see if he redeemed himself to prove he’s actually funny given how this turd was written by a 14-year-old DungeonMaster.

I do know the premise wasn’t meant to be original, it was the execution you’re supposed to be lured in by. Imagine the pitch meeting…it’s Lord of the Rings meets South Park! That’s about half right. You’ll find South Park‘s vulgarity, modern-day drugs references and hand gestures for jerking off. Those bits just haven’t been funny since 2000.

Rounding out McBride’s tired comedy is Franco’s scenery chewing and Deschanel’s boring, flat excuse for what she thinks is acting. No idea why Portman bothered too. I guess she needed the money after Lucas wrecked her career until Thor. The action scenes are OK with one villain doing an interesting bit with what I recall Gary Gygax calling sympathetic magic; it’s how voodoo via a fetish (the doll people stick pins into) works. The villain sticks his hand in a bucket of goop and it controls a hydra-esque monster in the arena, Portman picks up on the association and knows to chop off his fingers to weaken the heads.

Anyway, should you stumble upon this (virtual) steaming pile, skip it, resist, do whatever it takes and hunt down a better take on a sniveling loser, runner-up prince lusting for glory, wealth, women and the crown, Black Adder (the First) starring Rowan Atkinson and Brian Blessed.

Thankfully, Your Highness is no longer available on Hulu and may it not be stinking up any other major services. Black Adder 1-4, including the Christmas Special is on Hulu!

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Congratulations to Becky Hammon & the Vegas Aces!

Way to go for everyone involved! Being a resident of Austin, we like to bask in the victory since my adopted city is considered San Antonio Spurs territory but we have a fair number of Mavericks and Rockets fans. We’re sadly saddled with Lakers and Warriors due to all the transplants.

The bigger story for us Austinites involves the Las Vegas Aces’ coach, Becky Hammon. Not only did she win the championship during her first time as a head coach, had she not taken the gig with the Aces, Becky could’ve been the first woman to be a head coach in the NBA. It could still happen given how skilled and charismatic she is. Before she left for Vegas, she was an assistant coach with Greg Popovich of the Spurs. He knew Becky was awesome when he brought her on to his staff several years ago and gave her the nod to be in charge of the off-season team stuff. What makes it great is that Greg didn’t do it out of pity or all the patronizing crap. He knew Becky had the potential to be a great head coach and said, show me what you got. You may also know Greg is rather vocal in his politics against the Right and The Floridian Fondler. He must’ve been bummed to see Becky go to Vegas when the offer happened but now I bet his filled with mudita like me.

Lastly, you all recall, I was in Sin City while the Aces were trying to win the championship. The place was abuzz with excitement as the Aces had a 2-0 lead in the series too. The pisser? You couldn’t find any Aces stuff anywhere! Namely at the Lids stores all over the Strip’s various malls/casinos. I haven’t had any luck online neither. Well, if I weren’t so fat and tall, I could squeeze into a women’s large. A couple nice ladies I ran into at Excalibur who were super helpful and knowledgable fans told me my favorite player would be A’ja Wilson; during my peak days in eight grade, I was a defensive center focused on rebounds, ergo, Wilson is my avatar!

Wait wait wait! Since when did I become a fan? I’ve come around on the WNBA not by becoming a bandwagon fan via Vegas/San Antonio. No. I’m willing to admit, I was wrong to think it will fizzle out even though the league has made it past 25 years. I’ve also had some conversations with dedicated fans who convinced me to think otherwise. This then got me to ponder a third possible league, a co-ed league combining WNBA and NBA players. Say three players on the court at all times must be women from the team and then two dudes fill out the rest. Combine the fantastic guards the WNBA produces with the NBA’s forwards, you get a whole new style of game! Women are pretty tough, billions have forced another human being out of their bodies but the men will have to cut back on the pushing and shoving game they do. It will be hilarious to see LeBron still exaggerate being hit by a woman easily a foot shorter than him to draw a foul.

Again, congratulations to Becky and the crew, Vegas better throw you all a parade!

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Fall ’22 has arrived!

For Austin, it means we’ll only be somewhat, unbearably hot. Nah! I will never trade it in for Midwestern Winters and I say it’s practice for being accustomed to the world being that horrific +3-4° C higher than it used to be. Similar to the climate of Soylent Green but I hope the fashion will be less embarrassing.

What is in store this Fall? I honestly don’t know. We completed the Xmas card before we went to Vegas. Halloween costumes remain a work in progress. Only a couple concerts remain on the agenda, still recovering from the awesomeness of Roxy Music last night! Oh, fostering a new batch of kittens with their mommy would be nice but we need to keep waiting as Jennifer attains a routine and if I get the job I really want; one more interview versus at least three other competitors. I think my biggest task will be following through on cost-saving measures as I want to return to Vegas should the Packers play the Raiders next season and I might be convinced to endure San Diego Comic Con. Seeing Europe before I die would be great too.

Now I remember! Clearing out my smaller, additional storage spot. Should save me $99 a month while I liquid some contents. Not as easy as eating lunch at my desk with stuff I bought at HEB. How could I forget returning to my routine at the gym while cancelling the monthly membership at Planet Fatness. Everyone there is nice but the manager, he was a douche regarding some butt-head living in a shower stall for an hour. My employer’s gym remains superior even if they won’t be doing our personal laundry any longer; just our workout clothes, they’re not stupid and I prefer to wash my jeans, underwear and vast collection of printed shirts.

Enjoy the season. I’m neutral on the whole pumpkin spice subject so don’t try to draw me into the debate.

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