Writ Large came to an end

Last year or in 2020, I think I stumbled upon Writ Large via the Onion‘s AV Club which I no longer bother with thanks to the shitty Gawker owners (yet they don’t own nor operate the new version of Gawker) using underhanded tactics to screw over the Chicago staff. Ergo, I make sure my eyeballs don’t see the ads, depriving Gawker, Inc. of money. Anyway, AV suggested this fantastic show focusing on famous works of literature in deep, thought-provoking lectures via an expert on said book. Were these people necessarily the be-all on Plato’s Repbublic or Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein? That’s debatable but the academics the host chose were pretty knowledgable, informative and made very compelling points. The show even brought up books I’ve never heard of…not a difficult task since I’m not super well-read, I only knew the heavy hitters.

Much like The Dollop, Nerd Poker and Honest Trailers, Writ Large‘s latest book became part of my Tuesday routine as I waited with excitement, hoping it was something the show was going to cover I’m want to learn more about. It did often enough and some favorites I keep handy to listen to every few months, especially Marx’s Communist Manifesto which I started rereading; it’s been over 30 years since I read it in a dedicated Philosophy class at Marquette. Fear not, I’m not a Marxist and never will be yet ol’ Karl made valid points despite how pie-in-the-sky some were, plus I forgot the context in which he wrote this rather influential book or pamphlet.

Then, Writ went on an unexpected hiatus after last November. I figured the host wanted to take a long break for Christmas and New Year’s. By min-January, nothing. Weeks passed until April 26th, it reappeared with an introduction from the host saying this would be the finale with Heidegger’s super deep and complicated Being and Time. I was really bummed since I felt this show broadened my horizons and let’s face it, Writ was a perfect tutor or self-improvement podcast as we’re not out of the woods completely with this COVID crap.

So why did it take me this long to say goodbye or hell, alert you all to it while it was fresh? I stupidly figured Writ would carry on for years and years as Marc Maron or Left Right Center have. Sorry about that. However, the creator(s) has left the whole series posted and you can still find it via Podcasts or whatever you Apple haters prefer. Check out any if they involve a favorite or a book you had to read in school, you may discover a new love of it or take a new perspective. I for one hope the original host will allow the torch to be passed to another ambitious person who can cover more, namely one really close to my heart as it turned 30, Douglas Coupland’s Generation X.

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RIP Julee Cruise

Very sad to see the news today and especially how Julie was suffering from lupus, so she was in serious pain. I read this tribute to her via the The Guardian to discover what a career Julee did beyond Twin Peaks which I fear pigeonholed her as just some haunting voice singer. It was pretty cool that Julee took Cindy’s place in the B-52’s for a while, I never recall why Cindy dropped out anyway.

Thanks for everything Julee! What you did to widen David Lynch’s appeal was great even if I accidentally “solved” Twin Peaks after a couple episodes, yeah, I guessed based on what I had seen. I should also check out your whole album since I only have the lazy soundtrack to the TV show.

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Cool eco pencil

When I first received one of these pencils, my initial response was, great, there’s no eraser, thanks…I guess. Then this really nice person handing out treats gave me a couple more and explained why these pencils were cool and special. Instead of it having an eraser, there’s a plant seed with nutrients. So when you get down to the nub zone or that’s what I call it when I can’t realistically write any longer, you put the “eraser” side into the ground, water it and boom! A plant will grow from your former writing instrument.

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RIP Dave Smith (Synth Guy)

Dang it, too many nice people dying lately but what Dave did just cannot be ignored by me and all who love music. He was a former Electrical Engineering and Computer Science student from UC-Berkeley who got his hands on a MiniMoog in the early Seventies. It was awesome but it was irritatingly monophonic (aka, could only play one note at a time). With his partner Dave Rossum, they managed to develop a fully polyphonic synthesizer known to the world as the Prophet-5. It became so ubiquitous, only diehards recognize its trademarked sound immediately via past hits “Thriller” or “Like a Virgin.”

Dave didn’t stop there. He led the charge in the early Eighties to get all the major Japanese synth makers to agree on a standard for everybody’s equipment to play in tune and time  together (synchronized) called MIDI. The world got a successful demonstration in 1983 when his Prophet-600 linked with a Roland Jupiter-6 and worked flawlessly. Today, MIDI is equal to breathing in the music world regardless of how you play or where you record. MIDI’s involvement is there on your computer or at the world’s few remaining recording studios. Still, he was modest enough to share the credit on MIDI’s creation and adoption.

Thanks for everything Dave! You helped make the instruments of too many bands I love to count but I’ll list a bunch since I’m confident they couldn’t have done it without you, your company’s Prophet series and your allies in making MIDI happen in a very proprietary world (how I grow tired of the numerous USB connector types): Duran Duran, Devo, Hot Chip, a-ha, Datarock, They Might be Giants, Hall & Oates, Peter Gabriel, Gary Numan, Thomas Dolby, Tears for Fears, OMD, Thompson Twins, Eurythmics, John Carpenter and the late Vangelis.

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That explains the burning smell…

Originally I thought it was another remnant of Jennifer’s pancake incident but when I heard the popping noises from the master bathroom, I quickly realized how dumb I was. The 20-year-old fan setup in there had reached the end of its life and probably due to it not being well cleaned in like…ever, the cord to power the little motor responsible for spinning the fan went kaput! fizz! and burned some of the plastic cover. What an awful smell! I thought somebody microwaving fish in the break room was nasty.

Then I did something even dumber! I touched the motor. YOWCH! Thankfully my index finger recovered in a day. Disconnecting the plug from the outlet was less trouble. So this resulted in a trip to Home Depot, I prefer Lowe’s but I was in no mood to argue with Jennifer, she’s smarter in the mechanical department. There was a very helpful guy who clarified what was in the box because it lacked an illustration or window into its contents. Such a relief too. The replacement for the master-bathroom fan is a whole kit which should be relatively easy, at worst, I have to hunt down a YouTube movie. Plus the price point was so reasonable (under $20), I bought a total of three figuring it was time to also replace the one in the guest bathroom and laundry room. My house will soon be old enough to buy a beer yet the cheap-ass stuff the builder installed is slowly crapping out, see the early May story involving my new $15K AC unit.

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RIP Jim Seals

He sadly passed away Monday at 80 which is a pretty good run and for me he left behind a great legacy by helping define Soft Rock in the Seventies. Sure you could poo on that but hear me out on why I would defend Seals & Croft. Firstly, Jim and longtime partner Dan were fantastic musicians years before their partnership. They were even members of the Champs, a band we all know for their hit “Tequila,” session performers and I’ve seen YouTube clips of them performing on Soul Train and Glen Campbell’s variety show. You don’t get invited on the former unless you have credibility.

Despite 11 albums, I can only name four of their hits immediately. Maybe they’re in the same company as 10cc or Ween, their appeal is very esoteric.

I mostly got hooked on their swan song “Get Closer” a few years ago and when you listen to it with headphones, you can gain a greater appreciation on how the song builds with all the instruments in the background (those infamous Seventies Strings!) and it also captures what I feel was another zeitgeist of the Seventies; all this “friends with benefits” crap or “casual sex” attitude before AIDS and Herpes slowed it down. The lyrics are really something too, hey, if you want me to be more involved in your life and exclusive with you, you have to reciprocate. If you knew much about Jim though, he was nothing of the sort, he remained married to the same nice lady to the end and I doubt his Bahà’í faith had anything to do with it, I’m going with character. Speaking of his religion, I do remember my parents talking shit about it when I was a kid, not completely understanding what they were mocking. Thanks to Rainn Wilson being a member and explaining it, my parents couldn’t have been more wrong. Seals & Croft were not clergy or something, the religion doesn’t have such a thing. What they may have heard get mangled in a distorted game of telephone was that the artists would stick around after their concerts if any audience members had questions regarding the relatively new faith (it’s only been around since the 19th Century). Compared to other movements, it isn’t as sinister as current religions or the new pyramid schemes that require either a ridiculous tithe or all your assets.

Thanks for everything Jim! Screw those who said you helped pioneer Soft Rock. With your hits “Summer Breeze” and “Get Closer,” you created imagery through music on par with another contemporary favorite act of mine, Fountains of Wayne. Long may your hits be played in any context.

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Racist, horoscope-dependent, blowjob queen gets stamp

Obviously, I’m writing about one of the worst First Ladies in History…Nancy Reagan. I forgot to mention, she was also co-president with her astrologer since St. Reagan already went into the job with alzheimer’s. I’m just curious, who the hell in the USPS decided this? I know dead presidents get a pass about a year after their deaths yet I don’t recall any past spouses getting on stamps or at least getting any press.

It’s just disgusting to hear all the revisionism involving these two horrible, horrible people. Nancy Davis came from a family that professed Jews, Catholics and Blacks were mentally inferior to WASPs. She only got a screen test because her stepfather knew Spencer Tracy socially and the casting people’s answer when she got one was, “Ugh, she cannot act!” However, Nancy was notorious in male Hollywood circles during the late Forties for her skill at oral sex as told by Errol Flynn (Kitty Kelly). Then she somehow met St. Reagan during his tenure as SAG prez, a role he used to rape young women on the casting couch and falsely accuse rivals of Communism, if they beat him out for gigs he wanted. How I wish Jimmy Carter had access to this information in 1980. The other Republicans vying for the nomination wouldn’t act on it since they’re equally criminal and few are married to their first wives after 40. These facts would’ve deflated the old bastard when he was on The Tonight Show bloviating about the Federal budget and preserving one’s virtue. If Johnny Carson weren’t such a shitty human himself, he would’ve reminded the asshole and the audience on how Nancy was already pregnant when the Gipper married her.

My biggest hope is there will be special envelopes you can put these atrocities on, showing the old bitch in Hell, prison or prepping fellatio for a C-list actor in a Studebaker. They had prison cells for the Tricky Dick stamps in 1995.

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Gave up on Beats, got AirPods this weekend

This week was the final straw with my third pair of Beats. It started off a crack in the plastics around the left headphone. So pissed. Not sure what caused it. Probably dropped to “hard.” Then something went amiss with the super annoying micro USB port no longer making a tight connection with the cable to recharge. Plus the BlueTooth pairing was a frequent ordeal if the damned things detected more than one computer or device. Overall, I hate BlueTooth since the latency with mice and keyboards too noticeable on top of the recharging element, which adds to the disposable attitude many Amerikans have with silverware, paper plates, those ugly red cups, etc.

How do I like these? They kicked in pretty quickly, as soon as I got them out of the box, pairing to my iPhone was a breeze (my iPod’s iOS is ancient on purpose). I then enjoyed a nice walk around the Domain to close my rings and test the audio of a couple different podcasts. They also have less drama when switching sources than the herculean patience needed with Beats; fluid versus 10-minute ordeals.

Now I need to get my six months of free Apple Music ironed out. My Find My…setups use one Apple ID yet my existing subscription, is another. It would be nice if these damned things could be consolidated and I know I’m not alone there.

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1942: The Battle of Midway begins

Eighty years ago, the Imperial Japanese Navy took the bait and advanced to attack the US outpost on Midway. With the Allies’ (the Aussies chipped in) success at sinking four enemy carriers, the outcome of WWII was now set into motion:

  • The Imperial Japanese Navy was neutralized enough that the US-led forces could keep them at bay if necessary or slowly advance on them. The latter was chosen.
  • With the Pacific Front under control, the US could now focus on saving the UK’s ass. Contrary to amateur historians, the Nazis weren’t going to starve them out. Churchill’s government had an agricultural plan while they let India go hungry.
  • This prevented the Soviet Union from suing for an armistice with the Nazis. They may have turned the tide at Stalingrad, but the Soviet Army was exhausted.

Hollywood once again made a movie about the historic battle before the COVID years. It was utter crap even if they didn’t cast a Jonas Brother. Screen writers must think the majority of viewers are completely stupid, sadly they’re right, yet I grow tired of sitting through some dumb, “pointless” scene knowing it come into play in the clutch! It’s right up there with the immortal, idiotic Jurassic Park‘s “This is Unix! I know this!” Known stoner Woody Harrelson as Admiral Chester Nimitz was amusing, I guess he’s ages into the more dignified roles like every English actress over 60 is obligated to play Queen Elizabeth I.

As for the one made in the Seventies with what was an all-star cast is slightly better. I think the only error was making a WWII picture while the wounds of the Vietnam War were still fresh. I recall as a kid during its release, saying a film was jingoistic crap didn’t get you threatened openly by Ammosexuals or told “oh hush,” by spineless Centrists and Liberals like today.

Both did point out one major element correctly, Midway was primarily an intelligence victory thanks to our code breakers with some serious luck; a third wave of American planes showed up while the enemy carriers were occupied with refueling and re-arming. It only took a couple bombs to ignite the decks to take out hundreds of people and dozens of aircraft.

Am I glad we won this bloody and costly battle? Obviously yes. Imperial Japan didn’t have any plans to invade America, Canada or Australia contrary to the disappointing and boring Amazon show The Man in the High Castle. They were probably still trying to find a way to salvage the original plan, consolidate what they took after Pearl Harbor and get the US to accept a truce. What I’m very happy about is the relationship the US and Japan have today. It’s not perfect and there remains some hurt feelings which heal every year. My paternal grandfather probably wouldn’t be too thrilled about my various friendships with ethnically Japanese people. And vice versa for the vets in their families. However, for all of America’s faults (the internment is a huge sin on our psyche), we’ve done an adequate job rebuilding alliances, friendships, etc. with Japan in that the newer generations won’t despise each other. One day, I hope they will forgive us for dropping two nuclear weapons on them and make sure we remain gracious victors. Plus, I want us to be true friends and not because of the cynical maxim…the enemy of my enemy, is my friend aka North Korea and China.

The French and the English used to war with each other for centuries until the culmination of the Bonapartes. Today, they’re decent allies when matters get scary. I wouldn’t call them friends, more akin to cousins who bicker over trivial things until a mutual enemy threatens them, then they work together. Again, I hope for better with Japan and I’m glad Midway helped change things for the better. I thank you all on both sides who gave your lives, now to make sure we (the living) and future generations you 3000-plus didn’t die in vain.

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The GOP Solution to make schools “safe”

This picture illustrates the solution the GOP is proposing since we know what their true answer is, “You all need to stop bitching and live with all these ridiculous measures because our base’s insecurities and ammosexuality is more important than your personal safety!” Plus this is the perfect scam from another angle, it pleases their one true god, Kapitalism! The taxpayers have to pony up for fences, concrete and more do-nothing, donut-eating cops. Then the parents have to buy flak jackets, clear book bags and life-insurance policies as the funeral home industry makes sure we all get one last sodomizing at death. Meanwhile, making school = prison, will make the transition to private prisons run by the Donor Caste less traumatic for all the Brown People when our failing society puts them away at 14.

I’ve been listening to podcasts with all the debates, namely Left, Right, Center aka Token Left, Rightwing Apologist, Corporate Stance and today was infuriating with a little ray of hope. First, the Rightwing shitbag who worked in the Girth Vader DOJ carried the NRA talking points: the NRA spends less on lobbying than “Big Abortion,” all these measures the other Western Countries do won’t work (No, they do, being murdered in a shooting spree is a uniquely Amerikan way to die) and more children die in transportation accidents than guns. Was not expecting the last whopper to be on my GOP Bullshit Bingo card. I was waiting for the litany of… “shootings happen because we’re not ramming Big Jesus down everybody’s throats.” Then one of the other pundits did their job by pointing out how the transportation angle was a flat out lie from a trusted source. Imagine if the trusted news sources did this instead of being pussies since calling out liars in Washington could get you ostracized from the cocktail parties. Don’t forget, Bob Woodward is a Republican.

Another crock of shit I’m hearing and reading involves the Ammosexuals’ complaints. Yeah, I mock them and they can suck it since their paranoia fuels the problems more than the “Others,” they’re blaming. For example, a common sampler is their classic whine about how their beliefs and culture are not respected along with how their imaginary old man in the clouds wrote the Second Amendment they selectively misinterpret. My current rebuttal to them in person will remain, Fuck You! Your culture professes that not everyone is a citizen with a right to vote, a right to privacy, a right to bodily autonomy nor a right to equal access. Your culture insists it must inject a strict, mostly Calvinist perspective of KKKristianity into daily life despite the nation’s non-Christian minorities and the younger generation throwing off the shackles of your imaginary friend. Your culture can’t adapt nor handle homosexuals, transgenders and whatever else is on the spectrum, ergo, these people are out to corrupt your kids (ruining the word grooming for me as a cat person). No, I think you share the panic numerous Republicans have, you’re afraid you might be in denial like Sen. Larry Craig who got arrested for soliciting in a tea room. Take my advice, I too was once uncomfortable with those sexualities even with my Lefty bonafides. If you want to turn your reputations around and earn some respect, let me appeal to your declining sense of fairness along with the policy of live and let live as per the Fonz. Firstly, the LGBTQ+ crowd pays taxes, loves America, loves their families, many remain devoutly religious and serve in our armed forces with the exception of imported Nazi Peter Thiel. By those measures, they’re equal and should be treated as such. Secondly, who gives a crap who they find attractive! America is a big place and they’re not ruining your chances for true love. Having also been hit on at least once by a member of said community, they’re pretty cool when you politely say, “Thanks, I’m flattered but I’m heterosexual. We can still be friends though.” I imagine they prefer it over being murdered which was their fate pretty recently. Now I’m off to enjoy my weekend and hoping I’m not gunned down at a concert because the performer isn’t true Country.

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One “advantage” of campus work

I’ve been working on campus so much these last two weeks that I have been spared the struggles of balancing certain cats demanding attention while I’m working and co-workers avoiding unwanted cameos. The foster kittens were also going through the infamous and annoying destroy-everything-they-touch phase, leading to interruptions to shoo them out. The downside is all the junk food left lying around!

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The Fosters (Spring 22) are off to their Forever Homes

The day was coming and thankfully we received the e-mail from the Austin Humane Society as we were thinking, it’s time for these four-legged rugrats to be moving on, they don’t need their mama anymore…and they’re getting pretty destructive with toilet paper! AHS wanted to bring them back to the shelter for their vaccinations, neutering and to put them on the Web for potential humans. I feel we did a great job too. This quartet was well-fed (their size showed it), energetic and most importantly, comfortable around people and adult cats. On the latter, they scared the adults to the end with the exception of my  Agamemnon who you saw become a semi-mentor via the grooming and sleeping. Not sure how long it will be before Isis and Vegas come out of hiding and return to their routines.

Below are the final pictures I took of them before saying goodbye. I will never get their names right and I don’t care, they’ll be changed when they’re adopted.





I will be watching the AHS site to see how they’re doing and how soon they’re gone. I want to thank their future humans in advance and ask them to please love these little monsters with all their hearts. They’re all good kittens and will flourish into very cuddly, loyal cats. For now, Jennifer and I will be taking a break until at least the Fall, save some money on food and litter. Vegas, Nubby, Metztli, Agamemnon and Isis also deserve to have their turf back given how crazy the mama (London) was. I fear she’ll be a tough fit unless neutering changes her berserk rages to defend her young.

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Hello June ’22 via Castle Amber!

Allegedly Stranger Things is using more D&D villains in the current season so I decided to go with an adventure that I have fond memories of…Castle Amber because I picked up the new 5E conversion at Chupacabrcon. Back in the Summer of 1982, my brother got this adventure mainly to be included in my numerous afternoons on the porch playing D&D with mutual friends. Brian never liked the game, he hated it and probably still does, but he was a good sport then and played along.

Then I replayed it again in 2000, converting it to 3E on the fly since my style of play had evolved from dungeon crawling to story telling/roleplaying. It took much, much longer and the adventure’s design flaws were exposed unless we played it a la 1982 again, the dungeon crawling way: kick in the door, kill the monsters, loot the treasure, repeat. Amber would work great for a video game such as LEGO whatever and the numerous Baldur’s Gate stuff I enjoyed on my PS2. However, when you’re trying to create a different experience or in my opinion, superior, then it’s a bit of a mess as the residents in nearby rooms and hallways aren’t deaf to the scuffles the players instigate. Despite the various takes a DM can go with, Amber was a good time and it provided a great opportunity for my friend Jeremy to get a replacement character after his first character bit the dust early.

Everybody also loves the cover art, a giant attacking and smashing a tower! I’m so glad D&D’s rules have evolved to re-enact it. Back in 1982, it wasn’t very clear how to handle a creature as huge as the Colossus (its name) to make it challenging, interesting or semi-accurate. With 3E, the (re-)designers were able to work out rules for scale or size. Twenty years later, it’s even more fun thanks to technology providing all the accessories to make the encounter even more fun: a battle-mat (a cross between graph paper and a dry-erase board); affordable minis, mini buildings and well-made dice. You could probably throw in background music via your cell phone.

One day, I hope to get this right! For now, I guess I have to reminisce about the Summer of 1982, before Global Warming made playing a table-top game on the porch anywhere, unbearable.

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Another good doctor visit and discussion about CBD

My sanity wasn’t exactly in question lately although I have been feeling angrier and more irritable. I blame it on how the GOP and Dems continue to be fucking useless as the world burns. Either way, we had a productive discussion about the merits of CBD since someone close to me wants to try the gummies (or whatever) to address their anxiety. I’m a fan of Science so I trust and have confidence in people who have expertise in Scientific matters. My doctors short take was, no. The longer explanation…the C part has been inconclusive and most results have also leaned toward, no. However, the THC element which is in weed, giving stoners their euphoria, is always present in some form and this also taints the outcomes on C’s merits. I followed up with, can the THC be completely removed or will there always be a little as per decaf coffee (as much as 3% remains)? He said all the THC can be eliminated, the CBD purveyors choose not to because, and here I agree, what’s really the point other than the bullshit claims of “medicinal” applications. I know this all too well from past people claiming how it helped with back pain, glaucoma or any excuse they could concoct. People who are dying of cancer get a pass, they’re terminal so let them do whatever they want.

I readily admit the doctor backed my pre-determined stance which is very negative when it comes to “medicinal marijuana.” I was really open to him saying anything to contradict me yet the only people who have don’t have MD by their names or at least a BS in Chemistry. I am in favor of it being legal and controlled as per Canada. What our Northern neighbors have done hasn’t been a roaring success sadly. The legal stuff isn’t strong enough to satisfy their pot aficionados so the underground market continues to exist. To me, it strengthens my point about stoners being full of crap and how they just want to get high, not “cured.”

Now will my discussion help with others, namely the person I’m researching this for? Probably not.

And for weed’s defenders who love to bring up Bill Hicks’ musty old chestnut about a person at a concert acting like a violent asshole always being drunk, not high. Agreed, yet stoners have plenty of ugly behaviors I endure at shows and in the real world: Their incredible BO (on the limburger scale) poorly masked with patchouli and how what they smoke smells like a dead mouse burning. How they “hide” it in a vaping pen shows their general dull-mindedness too. My cats hiding behind the couch strategy, hoping I’m only one-foot tall, is about on par with the stoners’ thinking on the effectiveness of vaping.

Now to call him since we forgot to discuss my legitimate medication refills, crap.

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Reason number 162 on why Alamo Drafthouse rules!

Well, people dressing up as movie characters at the same movie isn’t terribly new but only Austinites would bother for Bob’s Burgers given how much support we residents and Alamo Drafthouse have provided! It was cool to see these people as secondary characters: landlord and eccentric, Mr. Fischoder and the kids’ “guidance” counselor Mr. Frond with his “help” puppet Repressed-Memory Emily. Obviously, the dude on the right is a different interpretation of Bob Belcher. There were no shortages of young women wearing Louise’s trademark ears.

The main element I definitely came for, after the snipe (that’s the technical term for the pre-show clips), all the special menu items pertaining to Bob’s Burgers. Quick aside, if you’re at another movie and you see this menu, you are allowed to order those items. Alamo didn’t disappoint! I had the Glazed & Infused Burger, a nice nod to the movie Dazed n’ Confused which we all know was shot in Austin. The waiter let me have the loaded fries as my side for a small uncharge, even better play on words given I love that part of Young Frankenstein. Should I get to see this again, I will shoot for the Back in Blackened Chicken despite Bob objecting against any other protein being served.

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