My first purchase, it’s a hit!

These guys could be during any era since they're generic troops.

I think these guys are from Old Republic days.

A great tip I learned at Brick Fiesta and from the master builders, is the best place to go for used stuff or particular pieces you want to make your own creations!

Lego itself focuses on the new things plus they’re limited on what they’ll sell for individual pieces; say a red 2 x 4 brick, sure; a particular hood part from a V-Wing, not a chance despite the part’s number being listed in the instructions.

eBay and Amazon? Forget them. Mostly marked up stuff but in their defense, a couple nice resellers sold me additional Sith/Republic trooper sets for a little more over their retail cost. Those guys were Internet Unicorns.

The used place up in Round Rock is great too, primarily for particular Minifigs, parties, little bags of special parts and I did succeed in trading for the Jek fighter from The Yoda Chronicles. Instant gratification is their strength.

However, I’m still trying to build an opposition army/force for my nephews’ overdue 727 Jump Brigade. The site to the rescue! I also saw sets I didn’t know they ever made, holy cow. I finally tried it out by scoring some Mandalorian mercenaries Lego produced a couple years ago. These were sold at a retail price of $12.99. The used reseller I compared/searched had two sets for about eight each minus the shipping. Grabbed them, swallowed my annoyance at PayPal (always a catch!) and they arrived. Pretty sweet deal. I scored two sets of Mandalorian troopers (eight soldiers) with the accompanying gear for under $22, that’s after shipping too. The only thing missing were the boxes and instructions. Who cares about the box! Meanwhile, posts all the building guides online as PDFs!

So any of my friends out there needing to score some cool gifts for their kids or themselves (me included), check them out! Next up. More Sith troopers. The original boxes had one trooper in black and the other in a red. I need more black. The red soldiers will either be sergeants, elite/experienced or bodyguards for the Sith Lords accompanying them into battle.

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