KMAG turned three!

Today, the home version of my stream turned three years old today. Quite a string of milestones for it this weekend too.

In three years it started from over 2000 songs and now it works from almost 5000. I fell short by 116 this year. No matter, next year the goal is 6000 either by June 24 (the birthday of the one at work) or August 7.

To give you an idea of the variety KMAG works from, the average pop, oldies, country or rock station works from a playlist based on less than 1000 songs, thanks to a man named Lee Abrams. That includes those Bob, Fred and Jack stations because their so-called spontaneity is bullshit, the songs are figured out most likely by focus groups. I had to throw in a jab at Austin’s Bob FM which appeared last year. It’s an annoying station that I could set my watch to.

It played its 400,000th song this weekend too. I wasn’t around to catch it because it happened when I was at work but I miscalculated and thought it would happen later this month. What was it? “Fait Accompli” by Curve (the band that Garbage ripped off for their sound). What song has it played the most in three years? I’m not a programmer so I have no idea other than it’s probably one of the first 2000 songs I had put in it. One day, I’ll let you know. Confidentially, I think we’ll be disappointed to know.

Now 5000 songs to work with doesn’t sound impressive. There are iPods that store up to 12,000. Agreed. But KMAG is based upon 5000 songs culled from over 1800 albums because not every song is necessarily good, including those Greatest Hits collections, you still get a stinker or two even then. Besides, KMAG is currently hosted on a Mac Mini with only an 80 Gigabyte hard drive. My 1800-plus collection takes up 110 Gigabytes.

So check it out. Put in your opinion to me, even though one I did receive was harsh yet I thought it was inaccurate. In iTunes, just do Command-U and paste in this:

For those who insist on not using iTunes, the same path does work with other MP3 players such as WinAmp.

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