Here’s a little warning if e-mail contact with me becomes more sporadic. It seems my iBook is on the fritz (again) with the logic board failing to send a signal to the display on a reliable basis. Fortunatley it’s still covered under the extended AppleCare thing I bought for it.
Its drive will be backed up tonight so I can boot up my tower with it, conduct the personal business (Quicken, Datebook and e-mail that’s not available via .Mac) until it is returned to me. The bigger nuisance is showing all my proof of coverage since the people who were supposed to take care of it last year when it went in failed to do it. It’s not that big of a crisis since I’m going on vacation until Thursday.
Of course, this gives me a great excuse to buy a new iBook since this one was rather old (as the gears in my brain turn to rationalize such a scheme).
March 6, 2006 Update: I was successful getting the iBook imaged and then installed on to an external FireWire drive (aka Cosmo) which I working from now. The proof of coverage was resolved by me going in to work, communicating with the paperwork department. Only took 15 minutes too. Now I just need to wait for the box to ship it out. I still think I will be selling it off this year for a low, low, low price of $200 with it being AS IS and AT YOUR OWN RISK.
March 10, 2006 Update: Due to a screw up on the return address, my iBook returned to Austin but it is trapped at the DHL location near the airport. The ZIP code was corrected in the morning yet not soon enough to make the morning delivery run to Apple. So I’m without my right arm the whole weekend and how I love coming in to work on my day off to retrieve my property.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
Friends of Picayune