esterday my brother e-mailed me about his son’s baseball coach, some guy named Tony Keys (spelling?). Brian told me he was a cheerleader at Marquette and he knew my roommate Paul pretty well. So he wanted to know if I knew him.
Oh yes, I remember Tony the Cheerleader. Ambivalent was as good as it got during our days in McCormick and Tower Hall. When we were in college, he was an ass and that would be the consensus of our floor (the 10th) at McCormick (the freshmen dorm). Then came the panties incident at Tower Hall followed by the “borrowing” of my room’s phone in the middle of my roommate’s nervous breakdown (this was Chris “Pee Wee” Dotts, not Paul).
But time heals all wounds plus I’m not the same person I was 19 years ago. I’m sure the same applies to Tony, especially if he’s taking the time to be a coach for young children still developing basic baseball skills. Maybe I’ll run into him when I visit Chicago to see Brian’s family. At least Tony is one college cheerleader that didn’t graduate on to ruining the US’s reputation.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
Friends of Picayune
Oh, yes, I remember Tony Keyes. I could post some comment about what a tool he was in college, how he and his “friend” used to scream obscentities down our heating vent just because they thought they were cool because they were MALE CHEERLEADERS ( granted high school was OVER!!) but that would mean he mattered. The fact that he coaches baseball means he may have reproduced–how sad, like the world needs another shallow homophobe. Thank God he will never iinfluence my chiildren!