You may not notice the change immediately on this site but I finally figured out how to eliminate trackbacks. I never quite understood what benefit trackbacks actually offered that isn’t a porn spammer.
I doubt anyone really bothered to see what was linked there, including me. Then one day I was going through past entries in the Gaming section for a different reason. I noticed the Star Wars Battlefront story had 200+ entries in the trackback section. I clicked the link and it was pretty much porn, porn, porn, real estate scam, porn, porn, viagra, porn, porn, you can see where this is going. These spammers didn’t appear to be taking up any valuable space on the server’s drive, affecting the bandwidth or get me blacklisted but damn it, I always feel harassed. If you’ve ever been to Las Vegas and you walk along The Strip, there are these people constantly pushing these stupid little handouts for “escort services,” strippers and porn. You just want to enjoy your vacation yet these pests make flicking noises with the paper to get your attention and practically shove this junk into your hands. I equate these leeches tagging their unrelated trackbacks to my site with the plague of The Strip. But unlike Las Vegas, I was finally able to cut them off at the knees.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
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