From the EPSN story here.
Even a big hockey fan such as myself had no idea this place existed. Even if it did, I would conclude that it would be in a larger city where hockey is very popular such as Boston, Minneapolis or New York.
Hopefully the new home for the US Hockey Hall of Fame will work out. It will never exceed the NHL one in Toronto and to many Americans, such a place is as important as a US LaCrosse or Socialist Politicians Hall of Fame. But if it only needs 30,000 visitors a year to break even, then I think it’s a worthy cause to have some kind of tribute to American accomplishments in hockey; the Miracle on Ice Team of 1980, Brian Boucher’s five consecutive shutouts, Phil Housley’s points, Joe Mullen’s 502 goals, so on. I could stomach the future section dedicated to Mike “Lady” Modano in time.
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