I couldn’t help that joke from Superman II. Here’s some progress on the front yard we’ve made. That’ll keep the HOA junta off our backs a bit. The sod in orange would be the two pieces we bought last week that survived and has new buds poking through. The sod with the black triangle is the piece that bit it. It wasn’t in great shape yet I thought we could water it health like the other two. No luck. A waste of $1.29 at Lowe’s. The red areas are the sections we’ll be expanding upon over the weeks. We’re just not take a blanket approach over the whole yard because it’s expensive. We’re going with a combination approach. Sod for the large, dead patches. Watering, plant food and weeding for the areas we can coax the existing grass to expand into. It won’t be pretty nor easy, then again, a $200/month water bill is worse for the Earth in my opinion.
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