KMAG knocked offline by back up, now it’s back

Sorry but somehow I ran the PsyncX in a rather boneheaded manner and it reverted to what the contents were almost two months ago. Hopefully it’s not botched on the other end too. 
Update July 4, 9:50 PM: Nope, PsyncX hosed it there too and I see the log showing it when I know I specifically told it to copy from Bender to Wanda and it did the complete opposite. Oh well, that’s what you get with Freeware. It isn’t a complete disaster, more of a nuisance with the music lost being around 120+ songs which I have elsewhere. The harder work will be the Onion News stories which from the forensics I’ve done would be only 21 stories (3 weeks worth) to be redone. I can do that in an afternoon. 
Update July 5, 2:00 PM: Phew! With some further hunting, I didn’t have to inconvenience Ethan before he left for Italy. Turned out I had a back-up copy of all the Onion News stories except for 21 that were used. The music has been coming into place thanks to PsyncX leaving a log (or murder trail) of what it did. 
Update July 6, 11:20 PM: Done! The little tiny tweaks that will follow would be the replacements of remastered songs.

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