I recently got this cleared with Jose. Cleared? Well, I didn’t want to steal his thunder because it is his life, future, wedding, etc. Click here to see that it’s official. I’m pretty excited since I hope many of our mutual friends of the last 20 years will be converging in Orlando for this in December. I’ve been to Central Florida in December-January, it’s usually quite nice and warm. Phoenix in November was nice too (Rad’s wedding) but very different, especially in the evenings. This will also give Somara and me a chance to check out the Nickelodeon-themed Holiday Inn we so wanted to stay at when he was engaged to the previous person who-shall-remain-unnamed. Jose wants to have a bachelor party around October in Las Vegas as well. I think I can swing it and possibly tap the timeshare for it.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
Friends of Picayune