Progress with Spammers & the Vacation Fund

Some minor, trivial news that I felt compelled to share.

Firstly, I think I have finally eliminated those damned comment spammers. You may have noticed occasionally some of the stories I posted (namely ones involving famous people or possible double entendres for porn) attracted insipid, pointless comments. They didn’t even make sense. My friend Adam already shared a theory of what they were in a past story. I theorized last week that they were using some kind of script to automatically do it by the story’s URL (each has its own link on the # symbol). By altering the two back-end files, the URL was altered into something less detectable without affecting the title. I tried it on the Apple Store and Ann Richards entries. They held after three days because I would have had 25 in them by then. I readily admit, it’s not a “cure” because I’m just making my site more difficult to find for them.

The other great occurrence in my life involves money, what a favorite. Yesterday, I made enough in tips at Kenny’s to make the final deposit to pay back our family vacation fund. Last year I borrowed $1000 to give the Silders an iMac as an anniversary present. I promised to pay it back (it’s shared by Somara and me) at 10%, thus $1100. It took more than a year so I paid back $1130. I did it with more than tips. There were items I sold off through eBay and leftover change from my weekly “allowance” (really cash I withdraw every Friday for the weekend). It would’ve only been sweeter if $350 of it came from winning at roulette in Vegas, the streak ended on the last trip. I’m still going to put my tip money and leftover change into the vacation fund anyway. I’m just conditioned to it now and our last Vegas expedition was more enjoyable by knowing we had paid for it without borrowing.

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