It wasn’t an editorial like I had in Austin’s dying newspaper, more of a correction about Neko Case’s nationality. I’m surprised they used it since it’s just a trivial thing but I got my say in the printed copy! I bet more people actually read the Austin Chronicle than the Austin American-Statesman in this city too. Being polite and succinct probably helped getting a positive response from the editorial staff (they requested my permission before publishing). All too often people make snotty comments on forums which I resisted the temptation to do. Lately I’ve been thinking it over a while before I hit the publish button on those things. I’m trying to combat my own inner demon so I don’t get sucked into a juvenile flame war, especially the last one I had with the Ayn Randroids.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
Friends of Picayune
Good job, Steve! I’ve had two L-to-the-E’s printed and it does give you a certain thrill.