I was so overwhelmed over the birthday of Jane Wiedlin that totally forgot about their wedding day. Married for 14 years which is pretty groovy. Quite a shindig too with the best man wearing his official UK Army kilt uniform. No, none of us got a straight answer about what’s underneath. He wasn’t that inebriated yet I give him kudos for deflecting our curiosity in a funnier manner.
I am glad for my brother in how our family put its differences aside just on this day to celebrate his decision and happiness. Brian is my only sibling so I was going to be there come Hell or high water. Living in Central Texas during Summer, Hell was easy. High Water? I suppose wading in Lake Michigan in Milwaukee counted.
Had I known this would be the last wonderful gathering of my immediate family. Maybe I should’ve had Sonia marry me off sooner, preferably to a Mexican, Colombian or Salvadoran heiress the following year.
However, May 20 is Linda and Brian’s day. Being invited by Brian while I did everything to attend was a huge leap forward in our relationship into becoming better brothers.
Next step. Finally going North with Somara to visit or them coming South to do the same.