Finally, mostly recovered from a sinus infection

Actually, it was a relapse since I had been sick near the end of January, recuperated enough to function (go to work, attend games, etc.) and then the crap weather hit. How it sucked! I hadn’t felt so ill in over 12 years. The first doctor thought I had mono which I thought was a desperate guess. The second one capitulated to my request for anti-biotics. Turns out I was right because the flu swab came up negative (duh!), my symptoms didn’t match Somara’s (she’s doing better too) and it couldn’t have been viral; few last as long as I was demonstrating. One thing my body does which irritates me is its ability to conquer the nastiest elements of an ongoing sickness when it’s time to see the doctor. For example, after my boss sent me home from work, I had a raging, 10-hour fever paired up with a sinus headache that could kill an elephant. I couldn’t stay warm or sleep. By the time I had the appointment, these horrible experiences had subsided; my temperature was only a tad over the norm and the aches were tolerable. “Riiiiight Mr. Maggi. You sure are ill.”

So the second doctor gave me a prescription for Azithromicin because she suspected I had Michael-something. Really. There’s a bacterial infection which begins with the name Michael. I’m not going to bother using Google to pin it down, the anti-biotics killed the damned microscopic nuisance, all I had to endure was the unpleasant side effects: everything smelling “green” and an ongoing metallic taste. This did make emptying the cat boxes easier.

What’s next? Namely catching up is underway at work and with life. Then there will probably be a brief flood of stories and reviews. I think the writing momentum can be maintained for a while too: after this evening my Stars are on the road for two weeks. Keep those RSS Feed readers primed or if you’re behind the curve, check my site every day (or every other day) until April.

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