Somara update

Somara had her first post-op check up, hopefully the only one, probably not when it comes to doctors with this matter.

Initially, the surgery seemed like a push because she has still been experiencing pain in the same regions. It hasn’t been as nasty is about the only positive outcome I could say for the operation, yet it was supposed to stop.

Yesterday was when Somara got an explanation. The doctor chose to remove the whole ovary due to there being three cysts, not one, present. Therefore, the pain she felt was from this and it will dissipate in another four to six weeks.

Fear not, Somara will not grow a mustache or need expensive hormone shots. She has another functioning ovary which is enough according to the experts. I’m hoping the prediction is a worst-case scenario for our vacation will be occurring at the tail end of four weeks.

Thanks for your support and positive vibes you may have sent Somara’s way.

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One Response to Somara update

  1. Nelson says:

    Hope she feels better soon!!! You both need to enjoy your vacation.


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