Managed to score this from the cafe at work, I figured they had sold them all off by last week when the news got out.
The SCLM, the masses and I may have been hasty in condemning the parent corporation (as Jeremy continued to nag as a self-appointed fact-checker) but we’re never going to know the key details for years, like the idiocy behind New Coke. Both participants in the suit agreed to settle, it wasn’t a true hostile takeover for distribution violations; Dublin still got the shaft from the looks of it.
However, contrary to the accusations of Conservatives and their allies, Liberals do admit to factual errors of these sorts; it was a highlight during Al Franken’s funny Air America show. So I’ve moved to the wait-and-see camp with the parent corporation on their promise to distribute the same thing Dublin was making. See if they fill the voids left behind on the shelves where Dublin was and then some…Target, HEB and other fine stores you can get snacks at.
I’m keeping my resolution to cut back on soda/pop (including sugar free) yet when I do enjoy some, I want to make sure it’s something worthwhile.