Is it a stereotype, fact or a mix of things about husbands forgetting their wives’ birthdays? Same for anniversaries. In our household, it’s actually the opposite. Yes, I, the man, always know when Somara’s birthday is, what day we got married and the day we met in person for the first time. I do need to tighten up on the birthdays of the Aggie nephews. Oddly, Somara forgets her birthday about half the time.
So this year, we kick off the annual Las Vegas pilgrimage on Somara’s birthday but this is a combination celebration. Our tenth wedding anniversary shindig, our birthdays and before we flew out, we received our raises from work. I won’t post them, it would be rude and it’s probably a corporate secret. Let’s just say, Somara did great and mine was incredible.
Wish Somara for the remainder of the week and onward with Vegas updates.