A familiar piece of clip art from DG!

dg-clipartTwenty years ago, my then current employer introduced this piece of clip art to its customers (really subscribers). Whoever used this may have filled in the text because the core part is the ghost, bats and border. Whoops! I might be mistaken. I modified a related piece for my first 1993 Halloween mix tape for Helen and the gang. It’s the same Shmoo-like ghost. I successfully hunted down the font I used to make it more Halloweenish. I stand by the musical choices which were in my collection at the time.


click for the full-sized version

The real burning question I have is this…do I just have a strong, odd memory or recognizing such obscure art mean I have mild OCD?

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One Response to A familiar piece of clip art from DG!

  1. Anje says:

    I’m going with just a strong memory :). Happy Halloween!!

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