Maybe I should’ve done it before I went to Vegas. Nah, I’m glad I did it after the mini-debauchery expedition because the results were good-to-borderline concerns, namely the sugar and cholesterol departments. With the latter, 202 is pretty sweet without fasting. The type two diabetes will always loom in the shadows yet my mostly daily exercise has it in check. Suck it fad diets, namely paleo, Atkins, South Beach and Mediterranean bullshit. The real key is actual exercise and eating less, not overloading one particular food.
I’ll lay off the diets for now, I have friends following those things and to be extra fair, I’ve met obese vegetarians, so much for the superior lifestyle.
The doctor said I’m well thanks to exercise. Now to cut back on the bulky foods (aka carbohydrates) which lead to weight gain (nullifying my two miles/day running) and the sweets. Being able to fit comfortably in my size 36 jeans are a huge incentive, I don’t have many 38s remaining.
Part two involves fighting the ongoing sinus and coughing issues. This will involve a routine of Zyrtec and Flonase for weeks. Blech!
Onward to being under 220 by the next vacation!