New Horizons will finally zoom by Pluto, get pictures and other data but I’m confident the whole planet debate will continue. As I’ve said before, I am with the ASU’s position of it is not. The loudest voices in the is camp will probably be the American Right because they’ll accuse the ASU of being filled with Libruls (Degrasse Tyson) and Europeans and it’s a conspiracy since Pluto was discovered by an American. Nevermind, there are objects larger than Pluto in the vicinity.
The Header is from the funny episode of Rick and Morty when Jerry was invited by the Plutonian government to tell the residents their home was a planet. It was a whole play on the climate change denial. Despite all the facts the Plutonian scientists presented to prove Pluto was no longer a planet thanks to their home being mined out from the inside, the government’s counter argument was a Earthling of mediocre intelligence with NO scientific credentials. Sounds familiar.
Plus…Rick and Morty‘s second season kicks off on July 26! I don’t have cable but I’m confident I can catch episodes later through friends and housesitting where ever they have cable. I don’t want to sign up for Hulu again and sit through the barrage of ads.
Wubba lubba lubba dub dub! Happy July!