As I go through all the Paizo/Pathfinder materials in chronological order, it is rather odd that they never published any kind of character sheets right away. This they’ve “corrected” for StarFinder. Plus, one thing I know from my brief year in the industry, official character sheets are a no-brainer/easy money. Thanks to the Internet I also bought the online version so I always have a blank copy to print from.
I’m the DM/GM in our on-again/off-again campaign and one thing I like to have is details. Here, the PCF has it abundance. You have the usual gaming stats to fill in: Stats, Skills, Feats, Saving Throws, XP, etc. Plus pages to cover spells for those who can cast them, a page to see which magical items are located on the PC’s body, stats on followers, familiars or co-horts and others for just jotting down the story. The last four pages are the core d20 rules/actions everybody can take. With all this, I like the PCF, and I am very guilty of being a completist. My players, I have feeling, they’re not keen on it because not every key aspect in playing, especially during a fight, is all on one page for easier reference. However, I think the product is a good starting point before I would ever undertake making my own PC sheets. I will probably make a shorthand card for them to speed up combat.
I would recommend this product via the PDF only. Then you don’t need to worry about the originals getting ruined somehow.