From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
Friends of Picayune
2024 Silver
Avg = 42Running to Toad River, BC
2677.5 of 2891 milesEvery 3.3 miles = 1%
603 Comments!Activity App Goals Achieved
Closed Rings Streak: 73 (cur 11)
Perfect Move Weeks: 37
Perfect Exercise Weeks: 36
Move x2: 277 (33x at 570)
Move x3: 24 (1x at 570)
Move x4: 1 (1x at 560)
Move Goals: 616
Seven-Workout Weeks: 28Losing 50 pounds
It's not all SoylentArbitrary boundary of Space
100 km
“Health” took some time off on me for the Summer
As per usual, if I’m writing, I’m feeling better and pulling it together. Part of the setback is also allergies. How I love coughing every ten minutes.
Good things happened as well, namely my nephews who live in Qatar are here for a couple weeks! Hunter, the oldest, is waiting on pins and needed for the results of his baccalaureate (I spelled it correctly on the first try!) before he starts attending university over in the Netherlands. Smart, smart kid. Well, smarter than his uncle. I don’t think there’s an international baccalaureate program for me since the world has experts on cartoons pretty well covered. It’s also great to see Hunter, Wyatt and Cannon. Five years and probably another five abroad will make them international bright young things which is a benefit. Plus I envy them, they get to avoid the toxic regime a while longer.
Me? Feh. Same old same old I’d say. Trying to figure out something to avoid the malaise which gets to me about every quarter. I think I did alright last go round. Now to push it out further and longer.