Well, at least that’s what my therapist told me. Especially in light of the good news on the house’s foundation, the refinancing finally hitting the home stretch, the anticipated monthly payment being acceptable (I feared it would be close to double what I’ve been paying) and having a healthy attitude over the weekend’s main concern. I figured I was messing up but she said I’m soldiering on better than most, being over cautious probably. I still plan to see her again next week just to be safe, I can always screw up further. Much like comedian Marc Maron, I have a voice in my head which occasionally escapes when things are going well screaming, “Let’s screw it up! Let’s screw it up!” It isn’t as powerful anymore as one thing I’ve learned through my therapist and group, it’s OK to say, “I deserve happiness. I deserve good things.” It isn’t selfish because you share this attitude.
From Austin to Adelaide
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