Operation: Manhattan Stage One Complete!

As of last night, the Master bedroom is over 95% cleaned up and I can’t wait to show it off to my friends in person. I sleep in there now. My cat Isis finds anywhere she wants on the bed when I’m busy elsewhere. Even Agamemnon climbs up to sit on me at various points of the night.

The green sections mean they’re cleaned up and ready for public view. The yellow (currently just the guest bedroom) mean it’s in the middle of being cleaned up/organized. With both bathrooms I will definitely hire pros to give them deep, deep cleanings. I’m not going to put anywhere in red until I’m actively working on it. Some rooms will remain yellow until they’re repaired by a contractor; the two guest rooms have damaged walls by a HVAC leak or something I can’t figure out.

Next up is the living room but it might have the guest rooms happen simultaneously due to the junk stored in them are similar things (books, comics, games, music).

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