Twenty-five years ago, my first great Summer in Austin got rolling. The year before sucked for my new home and as for the other years, I would say I hadn’t had a really decent Summer since 1991. To be fair to 1992-1994, there were moments but their overall vibes put them in the crappy column: GDW Hell, Boredom Hell and Austin-may-be-an-error Hell. This time matters were off to a great start (my brother’s wedding, seeing Chicago friends), I had adequate employment and thanks to employment, I could actually enjoy Austin and its surroundings. Here in early June I had my friend Doc take my picture this city limit sign as a nod to the show. What’d I give for that sign to be correct today, starting with all the Republicans and Libertarians being forced out first. The wiser thing to ask for is getting back to the weight I must’ve been then for I am much wider today.
Despite the pandemic, I’m not going to let it be the reason why 2020 blows, yet it’s good to have it at the ready if my own actions ruin the fun.