Dave Attell once said he never wanted to take up jogging because joggers are always the ones who find the dead bodies. Well, this German jogger thought they found a dud grenade from WWII in a bag. The police-bomb squad got called out, examined the bag and were confident with 100% certainty that the contents were explosive in another way.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
Friends of Picayune
That’s an amusing story. I have a story about a sex doll that I won’t share here, you know, because of decorum. This also reminded me of a story from last year in my current hometown. Some lady from my town was working as an au pair in a neighboring town and for some reason would occasionally stop by the local “outdoor” store to, as we say to my young daughter, “go poopie.” The owner of the store at first thought it was a wild animal (who says she wasn’t?) and then found toilet paper. Apparently, only humans have such a system for cleaning themselves. In the end, she was caught in the act and disgraced on our local paper’s website. For some reason, I found myself really intrigued by the story. I wanted to know the reason behind it. I actually thought about going to the public hearing. But then a strange thing happened. COVID hit. And, the date was postponed. There was no follow-up in the local paper. To this day, at least for me, it remains a mystery.