Not bad, it just took me about 6.75 years to do this and sadly I managed to get here without going to the gym every time. All those recent, stressful days involving the floor installation or when walking all over Las Vegas counted toward closing the Move Ring. It doesn’t matter if I closed the ring within 30 minutes or over a few hours, closing is closing. I think the Watch Engineers need to set up a goal or award for when people close the Exercise Ring 1000 times. Now that’s an accomplishment!
I’m glad I hit the milestone today by going to the gym. It would’ve felt pretty hollow if I did it by wandering around Costco trying to find that brand of cold-brew coffee they still don’t carry, right alongside Home Run Inn frozen pizzas.
Let’s see if I can make it to 2000 in less than 6.75 years. What’s a good target…how about within 3.25 years…well before I turn…60! Ugh! The big six oh. Now I don’t want to think about reaching the next landmark. OK. I do. I need to strive harder to make sure I have the longevity in my DNA my maternal grandparents had with the aid of weight loss, exercise and less sugar. They did it without any of those good habits! Ergo, I could make it to the magical 120! The difference will be me enjoying my ancient years, unless I survive to be the old fart telling kids what the world was like before it got all Mad Max’d up.