Ever since TX DoT modified the intersection(s) of Parmer and I-35 to speed up the traffic in every direction, there’s been an influx of assholes who are asking for an accident when I commute home.
In several of the areas I drive through often, they’ve implemented some very unorthodox re-routes involving you being on the opposite side you’re accustomed to. I love how this fixed the shitty, short-light problem in East Pflugerville because the majority of us on 1825 were turning left to go north toward all the mall crap anyway, not straight. No more sitting through three cycles!
When it comes to the Parmer/I-35 situation, TX DoT took Parmer Lane’s four eastbound lanes and assigned two for turning left to go north on Lamar and the remainder continue east. This resolved the jam caused by the old solo left-turning lane blocking the majority wanting to drive forward to cross 35 via its bridge. Unfortunately, about every night there’s some douchebag who didn’t get the memo or they think they’re clever by cutting off another vehicle with a sudden right merge from the turning lane. Today was the closest near-miss I’ve seen yet. People never learn. Oh, and the asshole responsible continued to drive like they were in the Gumball Rally, weaving on the northbound feeder. What I’d give to a rocket launcher on my car for such a situation as per an old favorite arcade game I used to play in the late Eighties. Fear not, what plays below only runs for 10 seconds.