“My side” isn’t perfect either, but I don’t recall even the rank-and-file Obama or Clinton apologists being ‘merched up like Trumpanzes, MAGAts, TeaBaggers, Q-Anoners and the pathetic Insane Clown Posse fans. I’m sure there have been a few over the years going overboard with Obummer’s Hope and Change crap. Nor are there Socialist conventions organized to fleece the gullible. It’s so fricking sad too. Again, Europe isn’t the land of the ideal but c’mon, how often do we see even Boorish Johnson or Viktor Orban’s flunkies being this pathetically decked out to alert other intelligent people…Stay Away! Moron Alert! and If your IQ is over 80, there’s a minuscule chance you could ever be friends with such a loser.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
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