Yesterday, I was walking on the work campus, enjoying the post-rain situation when I spotted this poor dragonfly on the sidewalk. It seemed to be pretty helpless because its wings were soaked. That was my hypothesis as I recalled how new butterflies have to dry their wings right after they come out of their cocoons. I extended my hand and fingers to the creature, see if it would trust me to climb aboard…success. I carried it to a nearby tree which could shelter it from any further rain. It began to instinctively flap its wings, I think its means to dry off. I believe it worked as the dragonfly was gone hours later with the sun shining. These insects are pretty cool. How they can fly is impressive and we humans should be nicer to them. They don’t bother anyone nor have I heard about them being a pest like many other members in their insect kingdom. We should also practice more acts of kindness to weaker species given how much we’ve botched this planet.
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