No these aren’t ten-siders, aka d10, they’re 16-siders, aka d16, with A-F representing the numbers 10-15! I couldn’t resist getting them from this online seller in the UK I had gone to previously for d20s which act as d10 as the latter are not Platonic solids, nice to know the patron saint of tyrants is responsible for D&D dice. What good are they? I easily admit D&D rarely needs an outcome depending on 1-16 but with six of these, I can decide a color via them! Let’s see, in the picture above we have EC-B8-C2…a dull shade of pink. The site suggested making random passwords. I don’t know. I fear such a method could be beaten with a good ol’ fashion brute force attempt. Be on the lookout for the site using them in the near future. I already have an idea for July.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
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