This ordeal, and I will call it that, was way more work for me than any physical exam. It involved me doing a stair-stepper thing for three minutes (good thing I exercise, I would’ve dropped dead sooner), a plank (I thought a minute and five seconds was good, it wasn’t even close) and push-ups (HA! zero). Of course the obvious stuff, blood drawing, reflexes, breathing for a stethoscope and proving I can do basic functions. I have dodged the bogeyman of Type Two Diabetes easily! If 23 and Me is to be believed, my DNA has an advantage against the general public. The big test I wanted to take was the bod pod. Besides looking like Mork from Ork’s egg-shaped spaceship, it can measure your body-fat percentage with bursts of air instead of the old way using submersion. I guessed I would be half fat. Nope, I’m luckily 41.3% fat. Here’s the downside of my exercising and weight loss. I must introduce more strength training into the daily routine, otherwise, as I shed the pounds (over 10 in a year, I have a steady plan), the percentage will remain the same which is bad. It means as the fat goes away, so do the muscles, bones and things I want to have around as I age.
Still, it could’ve been worse, as in I had this done last year, blech!
I get to revisit this in about six months, see how much I have progressed. Lifting weights? Boring, but I’ll figure something out.