The sugar-loaded treat was definitely a challenge for Somara, namely the silver frosting because I recall her telling me her worried over it oxidizing into gray and/or losing its metallic sheen. I think the buyer originally wanted a cake literally shaped in the characters of 5 and 0. I imagine it’s hard to scale thanks to two numbers have serious curves in them. With a little diplomacy and education, the customer received this which I’ve been told she was very satisfied with.
Lastly, this cake is special. The money Somara made from it was the last chunk of change we needed to pay back our last trip to Vegas. Depending upon how you see it, we either took eight months or five months restore the $1000 we spent from the special vacation account. Eight because I paid for the whole package in August or five since we didn’t go until November. Now the money is restored and everything we put toward it, namely Somara’s cake money and my tips from Kenny’s will be gravy.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
Friends of Picayune