Next year, I promise to complete this sooner but some of you may recall that I used to compile a list of my favorite CDs. Back in 2003, I enlisted the opinion of my friend Mark Millard to provide a wider perspective. We managed to post what we felt was the best stuff for 2002 and 2003. Sadly, I fell through on 2004 due to exhaustion, distractions and other nonsense I don’t want to talk about.
Well, I hope you will feel that your patience has been rewarded for 2005. This year I recruited two more people to speak up with Mark and me.
Currently we are in the doldrums of the new release schedule so if you have an itch to buy something new but don’t want to risk the money, check out our suggestions (or in some cases, warnings).
March 31, 2006 Update: Access to all the past Best of…lists will be accessible through this part of my site. The link will take you to you a “hub” page and then you can pick the year I have completed over the last 15 years.
To the Best of Music Page to go to the Review Hub.
From Austin to Adelaide
8915 Miles!Seattle
Friends of Picayune