Last Saturday I hit a new low (or high) in my weight, 235 lbs. and 14 oz. That put me dangerously closer to my personal goal of avoiding 239 which is Homer Simpson’s traditional weight.
Lately, I wasn’t doing too well in the diet and exercise department due to the colder weather and general fatigue. This week I started taking a more aggressive stance over it with running in the morning and eating less at lunch time and dinner. How is it going so far? I have really slipped in the running department. Even in the recent past I could at least complete a half-assed mile around the neighborhood. Currently, I’m so out of shape that a half mile is strenuous. I should be doing better next week when my body overcomes the initial pains from atrophied muscles. The eating has been more successful thanks to HEB having a sale on Lean Cuisine frozen meals. I will also be having cereal for dinner more often too.
The immediate goal will be pretty modest with it being 233 on April Fool’s Day. What will it be for the end of April depends upon how long I can maintain the discipline I wish to recapture from the late 90s, when my weight was under 200.
From Austin to Adelaide
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