From Austin to Adelaide
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Tag Archives: American-Made
Standard BMW, Tesla and Audi driver in Austin
Ever since TX DoT modified the intersection(s) of Parmer and I-35 to speed up the traffic in every direction, there’s been an influx of assholes who are asking for an accident when I commute home. In several of the areas … Continue reading
The Founder: Must See
The Founder is primarily about Ray Kroc, the man behind what McDonald’s became until his death. It also entails the two brothers (Mac and Dick) who created the original restaurant Kroc hijacked and transformed into an empire that still feeds … Continue reading
My new “patriotic” beard trimmer!
I was reluctant to replace my last beard trimmer of eight years but the key plastic “rake” part was losing teeth faster than a meth addict. While is just browsing at Target, boom, I spotted this amongst the other male-hygenie … Continue reading
American Apparel
Yesterday when I arrived home from work, there was a package at the door. My annual order of $100-worth of T-shirts from American Apparel! When I stumbled upon these guys back in 2003 through Mother Jones or one of those … Continue reading