Happy Birthday Somara!

Today is my wife’s birthday. Which one, that’s up to her to tell you since it’s still impolite to tell a woman’s age these days because America is an age-obsessed culture. Okay, America is a country obsessed with youth some time after WWII, probably began in the Sixties when the majority of the nation was under 30.

Anyway, you’re probably thinking that I’m an inconsiderate jerk though. Today is her birthday and yet I’m splitting for Vegas with my bud José in two days. Not so. The trip was already planned around it and her coming back to Austin wasn’t an absolute. Thankfully she did come home because I would have to do some serious arm twisting to have the monsters (aka the cats) watched for a week. This year she did get part of her birthday present in advance, a $300 bicycle. Pretty much a steal compared to some people at Apple who look like Lance Armstrong (soon to be Mr. Sheryl Crow) wannabes. It’s only a casual, riding around the neighborhood bike. It’s not the big-ticket items that make her happy, it’s the thought behind it.

Wish her happy birthday at the e-mail address I finally remembered to get her this summer too.

somaramaggi at mac dot com

Viva Las Vegas! Begins Tuesday morning at 740 am! And keep checking out my site every couple of days for updates, hopefully.

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