Operation Teeth, Part Two

Stage two of my dental work was completed yesterday. I would’ve posted the pictures then but Monday was rather crazy due to errands with Somara, my selfishness at the mall and then Tuesday’s fun (see “Democracy Inaction” story in Headlines). At least one little victory was my weight on the GNC scale being four ounces over 225 pounds (the scale must be faulty). So my dentist, Dr. Alice Johnson, tackled the first of many cavities (I think four, maybe five) with the trickier one as shown in the picture below.

The green area was really a pinkish brown. I only colored it so it stood out.

 I hadn’t had a filling in 25 years. The experience was rather painful and unpleasant since the dentist who did that one was a dick. I stupidly refused to have the area numbed because it would’ve involved a needle going into my gums (an ongoing childhood fear). I took my chances having the dentitst’s drill work on my tooth (a molar in front of the one I had pulled) as is. I believe he received his cue to stop when I just about ripped the armrests off the chair. The filling was oversensitive to everything for weeks but I tolerated it. Suffering with my one declared cavity as a kid was the lesser evil compared to dealing with a rather mean-spirited dentist. 

Enough of that digression. My point is that the filling was painless, seamless and rather easy. Dr. Alice numbed up the gums around the teeth before injecting a needle. I could feel the pressure and the piercing yet it barely hurt. The harder part was keeping my mouth open without having to spit every two minutes. As you can see below, she did a bang up job. It may be hard to tell from the After picture; she buffed the neighboring and affected teeth to get the filling to match better.


As you can see, the fillng is impossible to find.

As you can see, the fillng is impossible to find. Until I get my teeth whitened later.

Next week, I think there will be two cavities in the back of my mouth killed off but these will be silver since no one will really notice and I won’t look like a pimp from The Boondocks cartoon.

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